Giving Back to the Trails We Ride

On May 18th, 2018, 9 members of the Flagstaff Junior Academy Mountain Biking Club had the chance to participate in a trail work day on the Deer Hill Trail with leadership from American Conservation Experience and Seeds of Stewardship staff.


Whether mountain bikers, trail runners, hikers, equestrians, or motorcyclists, those of us who enjoy and use trails have the privilege and responsibility to get out there and volunteer to build and maintain trails on our nation’s public lands. When we understand the time and effort it takes to care for our trails, we are more likely to treat our lands with care and respect.


Just as importantly as the sense of responsibility the children learn, is the sense of ownership they develop about the trails they have helped to build. Forever more they will return to those drains, those rolling grade reversals, those rock walls and be able to say “I build that”. And they do! The FJA mountain biking club frequently brings their riders back to the places they have build trails so they can experience their own work first hand.


What a privilege to be able to pass on the joy and knowledge of trail work to this inspired group of young athletes. Until next time!