A U.S. Representative Hits the (Hiking) Trail

Backpacker Magazine M. John Fayhee March, 2018 It did not take long for word to spread in the small, isolated town in New Mexico that I call home. Whether quaffing a Belgian ale in a brewpub, or sipping a fair-trade latte in the java emporium, or inspecting organic cabbages in the food co-op, members of my dirt-worshipping social circle would […]

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Passage 13 – Oracle

January 17, 2018 Nineteen intrepid SaddleBrooke hikers braved a chilly morning to improve trails in Oracle State Park. A special effort was made to clear the trails of sticker bushes and obstacles for runners participating in the upcoming Oracle Rumble for the benefit the Arizona National Scenic Trail. Lots of excellent work was accomplished in 3 hours, with one group […]

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Explore Arizona’s Public Lands

Arizona Highways There are many ways to hike what’s commonly known as the Arizona Trail, which runs for about 800 miles from the Utah state line to the U.S.-Mexico border. Some hikers tackle each of the trail’s 43 segments individually, often taking several years to cover the entire distance. [To read the rest of this article, click here.]

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National Trails Training Partnership

American Trails Advanced trail training classes like Sustainable Trail Construction with Mechanized Equipment are for individuals looking for specific technical skills. Additional training topics will be added as the TRAILS program develops, and training programs can be created to meet the specific needs of land management agencies and trail organizations. To read the rest of this article, click here.]

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