Please consider a year-end donation to the Arizona Trail Association. Through your ongoing generosity we are able to maintain the treasure that is the Arizona National Scenic Trail and protect it for future generations to enjoy. Since 1994, the Arizona Trail Association has accomplished incredible things – all with support from members, donors, business partners and others who believe in our mission.
At the ATA, we encourage a life filled with outdoor activities, making meaningful connections with people and landscapes, and embracing the ethics of stewardship. Please think about the positive connections you’ve made on the AZT or through the ATA over the past year (or decade, or longer!) and make your tax-deductible year-end gift today. As a thank you, all gifts over $150 will receive a specialty ATA mug.
This year’s commemorative mug features a scene from the Huachuca Mountains (Passage 1) within Coronado National Memorial. This unique biome is where grasslands meet oak woodland, and eventually transition to pine and aspen forest. The views into Sonora, Mexico are breathtaking, and much of the landscape remains relatively unchanged over the past 500 years. Coatimundi (Nasua narica) are commonly seen in the Huachucas, and are a highlight for Arizona Trail visitors. These charismatic creatures are more common in Central and South America, but can also be found in the mountains and canyons of Arizona. The mug’s glaze is inspired by the natural hues of this unique landscape. Created by the ceramic artists at Deneen Pottery, at least five sets of hands go into the creation of each mug. Enjoy your favorite beverage knowing your support helps maintain and protect the 800-mile trail. While supplies last!