Frozen Dirt and Dead Coyotes Part 2

On November 14th, 2018 48 Students from Northland Preparatory Academy traveled to Gooseberry Springs Trail Head on the Arizona Trail Mormon Lake Passage to participate in some trailwork.
Having learned from the day before, we changed the plans altogether. Though the day was slightly warmer and a lot less windy, the temperatures were still on the low side and the soil still frozen. So we took the students out for a hike to look for loose rocks and vegetation to remove from the trail.
We looked for the dead coyote from the day before and and helped to close an old section of trail so that it can regrow and return to nature. To finish out the day, we taught the class to play Camouflage, a game that kept them running and warn and mimics the way predators stalk their prey.
It would have been nice to have more pleasant weather, especially for this classes first outing. But we learned a lot and the students decided it was a grand adventure despite the challenges. This is what education looks like.