Huppy Bars Send River Runner on an Entrepreneurial Adventure

Flagstaff Business News (April 4, 2020) by V. Ronni Tierney

Marathon hours of river running and hiking in the Grand Canyon can stir up more than just endorphins. For field biologist and outdoorswoman Lindsay Hupp, sweltering heat and canyon sweat inspired her to create a nutrition bar that is making a lot of people happy.

The epiphany for nutritional fuel came when “I was out boating on the Colorado River and my trail mix melted into a clump. So, I started adjusting the recipe and friends liked it so much they named them ‘Huppy Bars,’” she said.

Thus, Hupp’s tagline, “Born in the Grand Canyon,” makes perfect sense.

Crafted in a quaint kitchen in downtown Flagstaff and made from locally sourced ingredients, Huppy Bars are sold at stores, delis and sporting outlets around the state and online. “They can even be found at the bottom of the Grand Canyon,” said Huppy Bar employee Karla Kennedy, who handles shipping and fulfillment. “Every lunch that Phantom Ranch sells is equipped with a Huppy Bar. The mules haul them down and hikers haul them out.”

Supplied as snacks on the mule rides to Phantom Ranch, Xanterra South Rim Mule Operations Wrangler Teigan Babcock said, “Even the ravens love them; they try to steal them from our saddlebags.”

With an insatiable love for the outdoors and a strong belief in taking a conscious role in health awareness, Hupp has covered an awe-inspiring amount of miles on land, riverboats and bicycles. At 40 years old, she has worked as a river guide for 10 years and balances her biology work with guiding.

With a lot of apprehension, Hupp was not sure about taking her creation to the marketplace. She felt there was a lot against her, like a lack of finances, but her adventurous spirit overcame the shortcomings. “The journey was staring me so hard in the face I just had to see what was around the corner. Regardless of the outcome, I was ready for the adventure.”

In the early beginnings when business was “crawling,” the Arizona Trail Association (ATA), approached Hupp with an idea. “Let’s make a bar that is uniquely Arizona with mostly Arizona ingredients to celebrate and raise funds for ATA,” said ATA Executive Director Matthew Nelson. “The original concept was to develop the ultimate natural energy bar for hikers, bikers, runners, equestrians and other outdoor adventurers to celebrate the Arizona Trail.”

Nelson says Huppy Bar makes the best tasting bars in Arizona. “So, we partnered with Lindsay and she developed the AZT Wild Mesquite bar using local honey, nuts, chilies and mesquite flour. It is the Official Energy Bar of the Arizona Trail.” He notes that 5% of proceeds go to AZT.

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