Flagstaff Trailheads: Celebrate AZ Trail with music, food and a hike at Buffalo Park

The Daily Sun

Jack Welch

We parked on the corner of Izabel and Sixth Avenue and used the Sego Lily section of our urban trail system to climb up to the Arizona Trail on McMillan Mesa. Don Carter and I lead walks from the Adult Center and had decided to view the partial eclipse of the sun from that elevated position. The steep Sego Lily Trail meanders through a dense Gambel oak forest that clings to the eastern slope of McMillan Mesa. Once on top we could see the far-flung Mormon, Woody and A-1 mountains plus Wing, Kendrick and the Peaks. Located much closer is Lowell Observatory, Mount Elden and the Turkey Hills. Viewing that surrounding panorama is a great way to start a day.

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