Arizona Trail Angels

Trail Angels are volunteers who offer support to trail users along the AZT. Trail Angels may provide water caching services, shuttles, laundry/shower facilities, food, and/or lodging accommodations. Volunteer services vary by Trail Angel.

Resources for Trail Users:

Arizona Trail Angel Listings by Region

Trail Angel FAQs

Trail Users Code of Conduct

Resources for AZT Trail Angels:

Trail Angels Code of Conduct

Trail Angel FAQs

Trail Angel Volunteer Time Guide: What trail angel activities count as volunteer time?

How to Submit your Trail Angel Volunteer Time

Trail Angel Best Practices Video: Minimizing Our Impact

Interested in becoming a Trail Angel? Visit our Trail Angel Registration page.

For information about trail user-friendly businesses along the trail, check out our Gateway Communities page.

**Non-Liability Disclaimer**

Trail Angels are not representatives of the Arizona Trail Association (ATA). Trail Angel listings on this page are provided to connect long-distance trail users with individuals who offer amenities and services as a gesture of goodwill.

To the ATA’s knowledge, Trail Angels offer all services to trail users free of charge. Trail Angels requesting compensation for fuel for shuttle services are supported by the ATA.

The ATA does not endorse or approve individual Trail Angels. We have not interviewed, screened, or assessed Trail Angels listed on this page. The ATA disclaims any liability for any and all negative encounters that may result between Trail Angels and trail users. All individuals are encouraged to use good judgement and to report any questionable behavior to the ATA and/or local law enforcement.

Trail Angels and Trail users have a responsibility to protect and sustain the AZT and the surrounding landscape. The video below provides tips on how Trail Angels can minimize negative impacts to the natural environment while providing services to Trail users.

For more information on appropriate water caching practices, visit our water sources page.


Trail Angel Listings by Region

Borderlands (Passages 1-3)
Bob Barlow
  • CONTACT:‭ 307-413-0726(text preferred);
  • SERVICES: Caching water
  • REGION(S): Borderlands (passages 1-3)
  • COMMENTS: I have mules and ride the south passages frequently. I can help with water caches at trailheads.
Michael Boardman
  • CONTACT:‭ 520-266-2828(text preferred);
  • SERVICES: Shuttles, food/meals
  • REGION(S): Borderlands (passages 1-3)
  • CLOSEST GATEWAY COMMUNITIES: Sierra Vista, Patagonia, Sonoita, Vail, Tucson
  • COMMENTS: I live in Sierra Vista; lifelong hiker. Can provide transport from Sierra Vista to/from the trail start at Montezuma Pass (Passage 1), fuel (alke, white gas or propane) & batteries at cost, water (free) and advice on Passages 1-3. Transport from Tucson International Airport to trailhead may be possible, depending on my schedule. Best contact is text or call.
Mike & Angi Buckley
  • CONTACT:‭ 785-375-4489 (text preferred);
  • SERVICES: Shuttles, shower, laundry, food/meals, accommodations
  • REGION(S): Borderlands (passages 1-3)
  • COMMENTS: Love helping out—I thru hiked the AZT in 2018 and Angi in 2022. Live in Hereford, about 40 minutes from Montezuma Pass.
Joelle Buffa
  • CONTACT: (preferred); 510-456-6128
  • SERVICES: Shuttles
  • REGION(S): Borderlands (passages 1-3)
  • COMMENTS: Trail Angels Joelle Buffa and Clyde Morris live in Sierra Vista. We provide transportation between Sierra Vista and the AZT southern terminus at Montezuma Pass (Passage 1) – Pickup and Drop-off. Prefer 1 week advance notice. Please do not inquire about transport from Tucson Airport.
Alyssa Culbertson
  • CONTACT: 520-401-7097 (text preferred);
  • SERVICES: Shuttles, shower, laundry, food/meals, accommodations, caching water
  • REGION(S): Borderlands (passages 1-3), Santa Rita Foothills (passages 4-6), Cienegas (passages 7-8), Rincon Mountains (passage 9), Santa Catalinas (passages 10, 11, 11c), Oracle (passages 12-13), Copper Corridor (passages 14-15), Mineral Mountains (passages 16-17), Superstition Mountains (passages 18-19)
  • CLOSEST GATEWAY COMMUNITIES: Patagonia, Sonoita, Vail, Tucson, Summerhaven, Oracle, Kearny, Superior
Zoe Demitrack
  • CONTACT: 203-909-3256 (call/voicemail preferred);
  • SERVICES: Shuttles, shower, laundry, accommodations, caching water
  • COMMENTS: Hey, I can offer shuttles from the Airport to the southern terminus and vice versa ($60 plus $10 per each additional person). Can only shuttle Friday afternoons through Sunday evenings. No pick-ups off Reddington Rd (sorry my car is over it) but willing to scoop from lower down on Reddington – near the Tanque Verde waterfall area. Please text me GPS points if you are looking for a pick-up. I’m not available Monday-Thursday.
Amanda Grupe
Ken Kilmurray
  • CONTACT: 520-678-9777 (text preferred);
  • SERVICES: Shuttles, shower, laundry, accommodations
  • REGION(S): Borderlands (passages 1-3)
  • COMMENTS: I’m in Sierra Vista. For shuttles to Montezuma Pass, Parker Canyon Lake, or Patagonia I prefer a few days notice, but last minute is possible so send a text.
Jacqui and David Kresttreinen
  • CONTACT: 520-604-0207 (text);
  • SERVICES: Shuttles, shower, laundry, food/meals, accommodations
  • REGION(S): Borderlands (passages 1-3)
  • COMMENTS: We can accommodate up to 3 people.
Nicole Miller
  • CONTACT: 336-486-0414 (text preferred);
  • SERVICES: Shuttles, caching water
  • REGION(S): Borderlands (passages 1-3)
  • COMMENTS: I am a fellow hiker (semi-thru and section) that loves the trail and all it has to offer. Which is my why. Available to shuttle from Sierra Vista to Montezuma Pass. Would like as much notice as possible, because I do have a full time job and need to plan accordingly. Earlier in the day is best. Happy Trails:)
Seth Miller
  • CONTACT: 202-492-5180 (preferred);
  • SERVICES: Shuttles, food/meals, caching water
  • REGION(S): Borderlands (passages 1-3), Santa Rita Foothills (passages 4-6), Cienegas (passages 7-8), Rincon Mountains (passage 9)
  • CLOSEST GATEWAY COMMUNITIES: Patagonia, Sonoita, Vail, Tucson
  • COMMENTS: Located in Vail. Call anytime, free weekends – Prefer 12-24hrs notice
Simon Nicolia
  • CONTACT: (preferred); 801-548-1347
  • SERVICES: Shuttle, food/meals, caching water
  • REGION(S): Borderlands (passages 1-3)
  • COMMENTS: I can be reached by phone, text, and email. I’m available on weekends to give rides.
Parker Canyon Lake Marina
  • CONTACT: 520-455-5847
  • SERVICES: Shuttles, caching water
  • COMMENTS: We are open 7 days a week 8 to 5 year-round for resupply and any other assistance you might need.
David Rabb
  • CONTACT: (preferred); 650-431-5109
  • SERVICES: Shuttles, laundry, food/meals, caching water
  • REGION(S): Borderlands (passages 1-3), Santa Rita Foothills (passages 4-6), Cienegas (passages 7-8), Rincon Mountains (passage 9), Santa Catalinas (passages 10-11), Oracle (passages 12-13), Copper Corridor (passages 14-15)
  • CLOSEST GATEWAY COMMUNITIES: Vail, Tucson, Summerhaven, Oracle
Tom Runyon
  • CONTACT:; 520-220-0069 (preferred)
  • SERVICES: Shuttles, shower, laundry, food/meals, accommodations
  • REGION(S): Borderlands (passages 1-3)
  • COMMENTS: My wife and I are avid hikers who live about a 30 minute drive from the southern terminus. We have an extra bedroom and bathroom and can shuttle you from our house to Coronado Memorial Visitor Center, which is at the approach trail to the AZT.

Santa Rita Foothills (Passages 4-6)
Alyssa Culbertson
  • CONTACT: 520-401-7097 (text preferred);
  • SERVICES: Shuttles, shower, laundry, food/meals, accommodations, caching water
  • REGION(S): Borderlands (passages 1-3), Santa Rita Foothills (passages 4-6), Cienegas (passages 7-8), Rincon Mountains (passage 9), Santa Catalinas (passages 10, 11, 11c), Oracle (passages 12-13), Copper Corridor (passages 14-15), Mineral Mountains (passages 16-17), Superstition Mountains (passages 18-19)
  • CLOSEST GATEWAY COMMUNITIES: Patagonia, Sonoita, Vail, Tucson, Summerhaven, Oracle, Kearny, Superior
Zoe Demitrack
  • CONTACT: 203-909-3256 (call/voicemail preferred);
  • SERVICES: Shuttles, shower, laundry, accommodations, caching water
  • COMMENTS: Hey, I can offer shuttles from the Airport to the southern terminus and vice versa ($60 plus $10 per each additional person). Can only shuttle Friday afternoons through Sunday evenings. No pick-ups off Reddington Rd (sorry my car is over it) but willing to scoop from lower down on Reddington – near the Tanque Verde waterfall area. Please text me GPS points if you are looking for a pick-up. I’m not available Monday-Thursday.
Tiffany Foster
  • CONTACT: 520-551-5903 (text preferred);
  • SERVICES: Shuttles
  • REGION(S): Santa Rita Foothills (passages 4-6), Santa Rita Foothills (passages 7-8), Rincon Mountains (passage 9), Santa Catalinas (passages 10-11/11c), Oracle (passages 12-13)
  • CLOSEST GATEWAY COMMUNITIES: Vail, Tucson, Summerhaven
  • COMMENTS: Texts are the best. I mostly shuttle north of Sahuarita Rd & south of Mt Lemmon. I can reach most trailheads but my car cannot get back to high clearance areas like Reddington Road. I’m willing to drive as far south as Patagonia and as far north as Tiger Mine Road.
Amanda Grupe
Jim Hugo
  • CONTACT: 318-455-4539 (phone calls preferred);
  • SERVICES: Shuttles, shower
  • REGION(S): Cienegas (passages 7-8)
  • COMMENTS: Shuttle available from Trail Head at Sahuarita Rd. and Rt. 83 for resupply or to the closest reasonable hotel. Please help me do this in a sustainable manner by reimbursing me for travel expenses.
Jacqui and David Kresttreinen
  • CONTACT: 520-604-0207 (text);
  • SERVICES: Shuttles, shower, laundry, food/meals/accommodations
  • COMMENTS: We can accommodate up to 3 people.
Aidan Meehan
  • CONTACT: (845) 608-9037
    ( text preferred);
  • SERVICES:Shuttles, Shower, Laundry, Food/meals, Accommodations, Caching Water
  • REGION(S): Santa Rita Foothills (Passages 4-6), Cienegas (Passages 7 and 8), Rincon Mountains (Passage 9), Santa Catalinas (Passages 10, 11, 11c), Oracle (Passages 12 and 13), Copper Corridor (Passages 14 and 15),
  • CLOSEST GATEWAY COMMUNITIES: Vail, Tucson, Summerhaven, Oracle
  • COMMENTS: Hi all, I completed the PCT this past year and I’m looking to help out where I can on the AZT. I live in an apt in downtown Tucson. If you need a place to stay for the night after flying in to Tucson or once you’re on the trail feel free to reach out. Shower/laundry/housing is available. I can do rides as well, weekdays after 5 and weekends. Happy trails!
Seth Miller
  • CONTACT: 202-492-5180 (preferred);
  • SERVICES: Shuttles, food/meals, caching water
  • REGION(S): Borderlands (passages 1-3), Santa Rita Foothills (passages 4-6), Cienegas (passages 7-8), Rincon Mountains (passage 9)
  • CLOSEST GATEWAY COMMUNITIES: Patagonia, Sonoita, Vail, Tucson
  • COMMENTS: Located in Vail. Call anytime, free weekends – Prefer 12-24hrs notice
David Rabb
  • CONTACT: (preferred); 650-431-5109
  • SERVICES: Shuttles, laundry, food/meals, caching water
  • REGION(S): Borderlands (passages 1-3), Santa Rita Foothills (passages 4-6), Cienegas (passages 7-8), Rincon Mountains (passage 9), Santa Catalinas (passages 10-11), Oracle (passages 12-13), Copper Corridor (passages 14-15)
  • CLOSEST GATEWAY COMMUNITIES: Vail, Tucson, Summerhaven, Oracle
Amy and Eric Reich
  • CONTACT: 907-347-8322 (text preferred),
  • SERVICES: Shuttles, caching water
  • REGION(S): Santa Rita Foothills (passages 4-6), Cienegas (passages 7-8), Rincon Mountains (passage 9)
  • COMMENTS: Call anytime, we work so after 5 pm for services needed, free weekends

Cienegas (Passages 7-8)
Corey Castillo
  • CONTACT: (480) 299-4647 (text preferred);
  • SERVICES: Shuttles, Food/meals, Caching Water
  • REGION(S): Cienegas (passages 7-8), Rincon Mountains (passage 9), Santa Catalinas (passages 10, 11, 11c), Oracle (Passages 12-13), Copper Corridor (Passages 14-15)
  • COMMENTS: Hi there! I’m an AZT section hiker currently living northwest of Tucson. I’m happy to provide shuttles in and out of the city and surrounding gateways, cache water, and be of general support! I’m open Tuesdays and Wednesdays on short notice.
Alyssa Culbertson
  • CONTACT: 520-401-7097 (text preferred);
  • SERVICES: Shuttles, shower, laundry, food/meals, accommodations, caching water
  • REGION(S): Borderlands (passages 1-3), Santa Rita Foothills (passages 4-6), Cienegas (passages 7-8), Rincon Mountains (passage 9), Santa Catalinas (passages 10, 11, 11c), Oracle (passages 12-13), Copper Corridor (passages 14-15), Mineral Mountains (passages 16-17), Superstition Mountains (passages 18-19)
  • CLOSEST GATEWAY COMMUNITIES: Patagonia, Sonoita, Vail, Tucson, Summerhaven, Oracle, Kearny, Superior
Zoe Demitrack
  • CONTACT: 203-909-3256 (call/voicemail preferred);
  • SERVICES: Shuttles, shower, laundry, accommodations, caching water
  • COMMENTS: Hey, I can offer shuttles from the Airport to the southern terminus and vice versa ($60 plus $10 per each additional person). Can only shuttle Friday afternoons through Sunday evenings. No pick-ups off Reddington Rd (sorry my car is over it) but willing to scoop from lower down on Reddington – near the Tanque Verde waterfall area. Please text me GPS points if you are looking for a pick-up. I’m not available Monday-Thursday.
Dar Dobroslavic
  • CONTACT: 520-248-9576 (preferred);
  • SERVICES: Shower/laundry, accommodations
  • COMMENTS: I live on a walled-in 1/4 acre that is 2 miles from downtown Tucson, Interstate 10/Grant Rd Exit, and REI. We are 3 blocks from a major grocery chain, a thrift store, and a variety of local cafes. City bus lines including the airport and to Catalina Hwy turn off to Mt Lemon/Molino Basin trailheads. For accommodations, we offer outdoor only. I can also help trail users find the resources needed to problem solve.
Tiffany Foster
  • CONTACT: 520-551-5903 (text preferred);
  • SERVICES: Shuttles
  • REGION(S): Santa Rita Foothills (passages 4-6), Santa Rita Foothills (passages 7-8), Rincon Mountains (passage 9), Santa Catalinas (passages 10-11/11c), Oracle (passages 12-13)
  • CLOSEST GATEWAY COMMUNITIES: Vail, Tucson, Summerhaven
  • COMMENTS: Texts are the best. I mostly shuttle north of Sahuarita Rd & south of Mt Lemmon. I can reach most trailheads but my car cannot get back to high clearance areas like Reddington Road. I’m willing to drive as far south as Patagonia and as far north as Tiger Mine Road.
Josh and Suzanne Goldstein
  • CONTACT: 520-465-8488 (text preferred);
  • SERVICES: Shuttles, caching water
  • REGION(S): Cienegas (passages 7 and 8)
  • COMMENTS: We live off of Pistol Hill Road in Vail, 1 mile from the trail. We are available to provide shuttle service to areas in Vail, water caching, and also support package deliveries as needed. Other needs can be requested and supported on a case-by-case basis.
Amanda Grupe
Jim Hugo
  • CONTACT: 318-455-4539 (phone calls preferred);
  • SERVICES: Shuttles, shower
  • REGION(S): Cienegas (passages 7-8)
  • COMMENTS: Shuttle available from Trail Head at Sahuarita Rd. and Rt. 83 for resupply or to the closest reasonable hotel. Please help me do this in a sustainable manner by reimbursing me for travel expenses.
Michael Johnson
  • CONTACT: 520-940-2319 (text preferred);
  • SERVICES: Shower, laundry, food/meals, accommodations
  • COMMENTS: We are approximately 5 miles from Colossal Cave. We have a Casita with showers, laundry, and a bed. Of course, we always have food, we only ask that people are kind and respectful. We can occasionally provide a shuttle, but we both work so that would have to be set up in advance. Cheers. Mike and Kara.
Jake Licker
  • CONTACT: 484-602-6899 (text preferred);
  • SERVICES: Shuttles, shower, caching water
  • CLOSEST GATEWAY COMMUNITY: Tucson +/- 200 miles
  • COMMENTS: I’m a poor grad student so I do require gas money but I can definitely do rides to laundry, food, shops, and showers!!
Betsy and Wayne Lubis
  • CONTACT: 913-256-8894 (phone call preferred);
  • SERVICES: Shuttles, shower, laundry, food/meals, accommodations
  • REGION(S): Cienegas (Passages 7 and 8), Rincon Mountains (Passage 9), Santa Catalinas (Passages 10, 11, 11c), Oracle (Passages 12 and 13)
  • CLOSEST GATEWAY COMMUNITIES: Vail, Tucson, Summerhaven
  • COMMENTS: We are located in the heart of Tucson near the U of A and plenty of restaurants and resupply options. Accommodations aren’t luxurious (pull out sofa, futon, screen porch) and the food isn’t gourmet. But, thru-hikers are welcome to come, clean up, do laundry, spend a night or two, resupply and we’ll get you back out there.
Rita Maurine
  • CONTACT: 520-429-5871 (text preferred);
  • SERVICES: Caching water
  • COMMENTS: I live in Benson, AZ but work M-F in Sahuarita, AZ. As a result, I pass through sections 7 (Sahuarita Rd/HWY 83) and 8 (Gabe Zimmerman Trail-head) in the mornings, and again in the late afternoon on a regular basis. Schedule permitting, I’d be able to cache water and some minimal supplies at either trailhead. Advance notice is advised. Please text or email referencing TRAIL ANGEL-AZT for the quickest response.
Aidan Meehan
  • CONTACT: (845) 608-9037
    ( text preferred);
  • SERVICES:Shuttles, Shower, Laundry, Food/meals, Accommodations, Caching Water
  • REGION(S): Santa Rita Foothills (Passages 4-6), Cienegas (Passages 7 and 8), Rincon Mountains (Passage 9), Santa Catalinas (Passages 10, 11, 11c), Oracle (Passages 12 and 13), Copper Corridor (Passages 14 and 15),
  • CLOSEST GATEWAY COMMUNITIES: Vail, Tucson, Summerhaven, Oracle
  • COMMENTS: Hi all, I completed the PCT this past year and I’m looking to help out where I can on the AZT. I live in an apt in downtown Tucson. If you need a place to stay for the night after flying in to Tucson or once you’re on the trail feel free to reach out. Shower/laundry/housing is available. I can do rides as well, weekdays after 5 and weekends. Happy trails!
Seth Miller
  • CONTACT: 202-492-5180 (preferred);
  • SERVICES: Shuttles, food/meals, caching water
  • REGION(S): Borderlands (passages 1-3), Santa Rita Foothills (passages 4-6), Cienegas (passages 7-8), Rincon Mountains (passage 9)
  • CLOSEST GATEWAY COMMUNITIES: Patagonia, Sonoita, Vail, Tucson
  • COMMENTS: Located in Vail. Call anytime, free weekends – Prefer 12-24hrs notice
Shaman Osburn
  • CONTACT: 616-548-1438 (text preferred);
  • SERVICES: Shuttles, shower/laundry, accommodations
  • REGION(S): Cienegas (passages 7-8), Rincon Mountains (passage 9), Santa Catalinas (passages 10-11/11c)
  • COMMENTS: Work Mon-Fri but ambitious to help thru hikers when time allows. Live in Tucson, don’t hesitate to reach out
Leanna “Lo” Osisek
  • CONTACT: 919-417-1030 (text preferred);
  • SERVICES: Shuttles, shower, laundry, food/meals, accommodations
  • REGION(S): Cienegas (passages 7-8), Rincon Mountains (passage 9), Santa Catalinas (passages 10-11/11c)
  • COMMENTS: My work schedule is all over the place & accommodations are basically glamping but I’ll facilitate your adventure however I can, and mini-adventure together if the stars align.
David Rabb
  • CONTACT: (preferred); 650-431-5109
  • SERVICES: Shuttles, laundry, food/meals, caching water
  • REGION(S): Borderlands (passages 1-3), Santa Rita Foothills (passages 4-6), Cienegas (passages 7-8), Rincon Mountains (passage 9), Santa Catalinas (passages 10-11), Oracle (passages 12-13), Copper Corridor (passages 14-15)
  • CLOSEST GATEWAY COMMUNITIES: Vail, Tucson, Summerhaven, Oracle
Amy and Eric Reich
  • CONTACT: 907-347-8322 (text preferred),
  • SERVICES: Shuttles, caching water
  • REGION(S): Santa Rita Foothills (passages 4-6), Cienegas (passages 7-8), Rincon Mountains (passage 9)
  • COMMENTS: Call anytime, we work so after 5 pm for services needed, free weekends
Gregory Rogan
  • CONTACT: (preferred); 520-784-4496
  • SERVICES: Shuttles, shower/laundry, accommodations
  • COMMENTS: Limited availability for shuttles due to work schedule … will do my best to accommodate!
Todd Thompson
  • SERVICES: Shuttles, caching water
  • COMMENTS: I’m willing to help hikers and bikers experiencing serious, unexpected problems. I’m willing to “come to the rescue.”

Rincon Mountains (Passage 9)
Corey Castillo
  • CONTACT: (480) 299-4647 (text preferred);
  • SERVICES: Shuttles, Food/meals, Caching Water
  • REGION(S): Cienegas (passages 7-8), Rincon Mountains (passage 9), Santa Catalinas (passages 10, 11, 11c), Oracle (Passages 12-13), Copper Corridor (Passages 14-15)
  • COMMENTS: Hi there! I’m an AZT section hiker currently living northwest of Tucson. I’m happy to provide shuttles in and out of the city and surrounding gateways, cache water, and be of general support! I’m open Tuesdays and Wednesdays on short notice.
Alyssa Culbertson
  • CONTACT: 520-401-7097 (text preferred);
  • SERVICES: Shuttles, shower, laundry, food/meals, accommodations, caching water
  • REGION(S): Borderlands (passages 1-3), Santa Rita Foothills (passages 4-6), Cienegas (passages 7-8), Rincon Mountains (passage 9), Santa Catalinas (passages 10, 11, 11c), Oracle (passages 12-13), Copper Corridor (passages 14-15), Mineral Mountains (passages 16-17), Superstition Mountains (passages 18-19)
  • CLOSEST GATEWAY COMMUNITIES: Patagonia, Sonoita, Vail, Tucson, Summerhaven, Oracle, Kearny, Superior
Martha Davis
  • CONTACT: (preferred); 520-760-3812
  • SERVICES: Shuttles, shower, laundry, food/meals, accommodations, caching water
  • REGION(S): Rincon Mountains (passage 9), Santa Catalinas (passages 10, 11, 11c)
  • COMMENTS: A good pick up spot is Molino Basin Campground in Passage 10, ~15min from my home
Dar Dobroslavic
  • CONTACT: 520-248-9576 (preferred);
  • SERVICES: Shower/laundry, accommodations
  • COMMENTS: I live on a walled-in 1/4 acre that is 2 miles from downtown Tucson, Interstate 10/Grant Rd Exit, and REI. We are 3 blocks from a major grocery chain, a thrift store, and a variety of local cafes. City bus lines including the airport and to Catalina Hwy turn off to Mt Lemon/Molino Basin trailheads. For accommodations, we offer outdoor only. I can also help trail users find the resources needed to problem solve.
Tiffany Foster
  • CONTACT: 520-551-5903 (text preferred);
  • SERVICES: Shuttles
  • REGION(S): Santa Rita Foothills (passages 4-6), Santa Rita Foothills (passages 7-8), Rincon Mountains (passage 9), Santa Catalinas (passages 10-11/11c), Oracle (passages 12-13)
  • CLOSEST GATEWAY COMMUNITIES: Vail, Tucson, Summerhaven
  • COMMENTS: Texts are the best. I mostly shuttle north of Sahuarita Rd & south of Mt Lemmon. I can reach most trailheads but my car cannot get back to high clearance areas like Reddington Road. I’m willing to drive as far south as Patagonia and as far north as Tiger Mine Road.
Amanda Grupe
Michael Johnson
  • CONTACT: 520-940-2319 (text preferred);
  • SERVICES: Shower, laundry, food/meals, accommodations
  • COMMENTS: We are approximately 5 miles from Colossal Cave. We have a Casita with showers, laundry, and a bed. Of course, we always have food, we only ask that people are kind and respectful. We can occasionally provide a shuttle, but we both work so that would have to be set up in advance. Cheers. Mike and Kara.
Jake Licker
  • CONTACT: 484-602-6899 (text preferred);
  • SERVICES: Shuttles, shower, caching water
  • CLOSEST GATEWAY COMMUNITY: Tucson +/- 200 miles
  • COMMENTS: I’m a poor grad student so I do require gas money but I can definitely do rides to laundry, food, shops, and showers!!
Betsy and Wayne Lubis
  • CONTACT: 913-256-8894 (phone call preferred);
  • SERVICES: Shuttles, shower, laundry, food/meals, accommodations
  • REGION(S): Cienegas (Passages 7 and 8), Rincon Mountains (Passage 9), Santa Catalinas (Passages 10, 11, 11c), Oracle (Passages 12 and 13)
  • CLOSEST GATEWAY COMMUNITIES: Vail, Tucson, Summerhaven
  • COMMENTS: We are located in the heart of Tucson near the U of A and plenty of restaurants and resupply options. Accommodations aren’t luxurious (pull out sofa, futon, screen porch) and the food isn’t gourmet. But, thru-hikers are welcome to come, clean up, do laundry, spend a night or two, resupply and we’ll get you back out there.
Aidan Meehan
  • CONTACT: (845) 608-9037
    ( text preferred);
  • SERVICES:Shuttles, Shower, Laundry, Food/meals, Accommodations, Caching Water
  • REGION(S): Santa Rita Foothills (Passages 4-6), Cienegas (Passages 7 and 8), Rincon Mountains (Passage 9), Santa Catalinas (Passages 10, 11, 11c), Oracle (Passages 12 and 13), Copper Corridor (Passages 14 and 15),
  • CLOSEST GATEWAY COMMUNITIES: Vail, Tucson, Summerhaven, Oracle
  • COMMENTS: Hi all, I completed the PCT this past year and I’m looking to help out where I can on the AZT. I live in an apt in downtown Tucson. If you need a place to stay for the night after flying in to Tucson or once you’re on the trail feel free to reach out. Shower/laundry/housing is available. I can do rides as well, weekdays after 5 and weekends. Happy trails!
Seth Miller
  • CONTACT: 202-492-5180 (preferred);
  • SERVICES: Shuttles, food/meals, caching water
  • REGION(S): Borderlands (passages 1-3), Santa Rita Foothills (passages 4-6), Cienegas (passages 7-8), Rincon Mountains (passage 9)
  • CLOSEST GATEWAY COMMUNITIES: Patagonia, Sonoita, Vail, Tucson
  • COMMENTS: Located in Vail. Call anytime, free weekends – Prefer 12-24hrs notice
Shaman Osburn
  • CONTACT: 616-548-1438 (text preferred);
  • SERVICES: Shuttles, shower/laundry, accommodations
  • REGION(S): Cienegas (passages 7-8), Rincon Mountains (passage 9), Santa Catalinas (passages 10-11/11c)
  • COMMENTS: Work Mon-Fri but ambitious to help thru hikers when time allows. Live in Tucson, don’t hesitate to reach out
Leanna Osisek
  • CONTACT: 919-417-1030 (text preferred);
  • SERVICES: Shuttles, shower, laundry, food/meals, accommodations
  • REGION(S): Cienegas (passages 7-8), Rincon Mountains (passage 9), Santa Catalinas (passages 10-11/11c)
  • COMMENTS: My work schedule is all over the place & I don’t have any trail angel experience but I’ll do whatever I can to be a helpful host!
David Rabb
  • CONTACT: (preferred); 650-431-5109
  • SERVICES: Shuttles, laundry, food/meals, caching water
  • REGION(S): Borderlands (passages 1-3), Santa Rita Foothills (passages 4-6), Cienegas (passages 7-8), Rincon Mountains (passage 9), Santa Catalinas (passages 10-11), Oracle (passages 12-13), Copper Corridor (passages 14-15)
  • CLOSEST GATEWAY COMMUNITIES: Vail, Tucson, Summerhaven, Oracle
Amy and Eric Reich
  • CONTACT: 907-347-8322 (text preferred),
  • SERVICES: Shuttles, caching water
  • REGION(S): Santa Rita Foothills (passages 4-6), Cienegas (passages 7-8), Rincon Mountains (passage 9)
  • COMMENTS: Call anytime, we work so after 5 pm for services needed, free weekends
Gregory Rogan
  • CONTACT: (preferred); 520-784-4496
  • SERVICES: Shuttles, shower/laundry, accommodations
  • COMMENTS: Limited availability for shuttles due to work schedule … will do my best to accommodate!
Todd Thompson
  • SERVICES: Shuttles, caching water
  • COMMENTS: I’m willing to help hikers and bikers experiencing serious, unexpected problems. I’m willing to “come to the rescue.”

Santa Catalinas (Passages 10, 11, 11c)
Corey Castillo
  • CONTACT: (480) 299-4647 (text preferred);
  • SERVICES: Shuttles, Food/meals, Caching Water
  • REGION(S): Cienegas (passages 7-8), Rincon Mountains (passage 9), Santa Catalinas (passages 10, 11, 11c), Oracle (Passages 12-13), Copper Corridor (Passages 14-15)
  • COMMENTS: Hi there! I’m an AZT section hiker currently living northwest of Tucson. I’m happy to provide shuttles in and out of the city and surrounding gateways, cache water, and be of general support! I’m open Tuesdays and Wednesdays on short notice.
Alyssa Culbertson
  • CONTACT: 520-401-7097 (text preferred);
  • SERVICES: Shuttles, shower, laundry, food/meals, accommodations, caching water
  • REGION(S): Borderlands (passages 1-3), Santa Rita Foothills (passages 4-6), Cienegas (passages 7-8), Rincon Mountains (passage 9), Santa Catalinas (passages 10, 11, 11c), Oracle (passages 12-13), Copper Corridor (passages 14-15), Mineral Mountains (passages 16-17), Superstition Mountains (passages 18-19)
  • CLOSEST GATEWAY COMMUNITIES: Patagonia, Sonoita, Vail, Tucson, Summerhaven, Oracle, Kearny, Superior
Martha Davis
  • CONTACT: (preferred); 520-760-3812
  • SERVICES: Shuttles, shower, laundry, food/meals, accommodations, caching water
  • REGION(S): Rincon Mountains (passage 9), Santa Catalinas (passages 10, 11, 11c)
  • COMMENTS: A good pick up spot is Molino Basin Campground in Passage 10, ~15min from my home
Dar Dobroslavic
  • CONTACT: 520-248-9576 (preferred);
  • SERVICES: Shower/laundry, accommodations
  • COMMENTS: I live on a walled-in 1/4 acre that is 2 miles from downtown Tucson, Interstate 10/Grant Rd Exit, and REI. We are 3 blocks from a major grocery chain, a thrift store, and a variety of local cafes. City bus lines including the airport and to Catalina Hwy turn off to Mt Lemon/Molino Basin trailheads. For accommodations, we offer outdoor only. I can also help trail users find the resources needed to problem solve.
Tiffany Foster
  • CONTACT: 520-551-5903 (text preferred);
  • SERVICES: Shuttles
  • REGION(S): Santa Rita Foothills (passages 4-6), Santa Rita Foothills (passages 7-8), Rincon Mountains (passage 9), Santa Catalinas (passages 10-11/11c), Oracle (passages 12-13)
  • CLOSEST GATEWAY COMMUNITIES: Vail, Tucson, Summerhaven
  • COMMENTS: Texts are the best. I mostly shuttle north of Sahuarita Rd & south of Mt Lemmon. I can reach most trailheads but my car cannot get back to high clearance areas like Reddington Road. I’m willing to drive as far south as Patagonia and as far north as Tiger Mine Road.
Jake Licker
  • CONTACT: 484-602-6899 (text preferred);
  • SERVICES: Shuttles, shower, caching water
  • CLOSEST GATEWAY COMMUNITY: Tucson +/- 200 miles
  • COMMENTS: I’m a poor grad student so I do require gas money but I can definitely do rides to laundry, food, shops, and showers!!
Betsy and Wayne Lubis
  • CONTACT: 913-256-8894 (phone call preferred);
  • SERVICES: Shuttles, shower, laundry, food/meals, accommodations
  • REGION(S): Cienegas (Passages 7 and 8), Rincon Mountains (Passage 9), Santa Catalinas (Passages 10, 11, 11c), Oracle (Passages 12 and 13)
  • CLOSEST GATEWAY COMMUNITIES: Vail, Tucson, Summerhaven
  • COMMENTS: We are located in the heart of Tucson near the U of A and plenty of restaurants and resupply options. Accommodations aren’t luxurious (pull out sofa, futon, screen porch) and the food isn’t gourmet. But, thru-hikers are welcome to come, clean up, do laundry, spend a night or two, resupply and we’ll get you back out there.
Aidan Meehan
  • CONTACT: (845) 608-9037
    ( text preferred);
  • SERVICES:Shuttles, Shower, Laundry, Food/meals, Accommodations, Caching Water
  • REGION(S): Santa Rita Foothills (Passages 4-6), Cienegas (Passages 7 and 8), Rincon Mountains (Passage 9), Santa Catalinas (Passages 10, 11, 11c), Oracle (Passages 12 and 13), Copper Corridor (Passages 14 and 15),
  • CLOSEST GATEWAY COMMUNITIES: Vail, Tucson, Summerhaven, Oracle
  • COMMENTS: Hi all, I completed the PCT this past year and I’m looking to help out where I can on the AZT. I live in an apt in downtown Tucson. If you need a place to stay for the night after flying in to Tucson or once you’re on the trail feel free to reach out. Shower/laundry/housing is available. I can do rides as well, weekdays after 5 and weekends. Happy trails!
Shaman Osburn
  • CONTACT: 616-548-1438 (text preferred);
  • SERVICES: Shuttles, shower/laundry, accommodations
  • REGION(S): Cienegas (passages 7-8), Rincon Mountains (passage 9), Santa Catalinas (passages 10-11/11c)
  • COMMENTS: Work Mon-Fri but ambitious to help thru hikers when time allows. Live in Tucson, don’t hesitate to reach out
Leanna Osisek
  • CONTACT: 919-417-1030 (text preferred);
  • SERVICES: Shuttles, shower, laundry, food/meals, accommodations
  • REGION(S): Cienegas (passages 7-8), Rincon Mountains (passage 9), Santa Catalinas (passages 10-11/11c)
  • COMMENTS: My work schedule is all over the place & I don’t have any trail angel experience but I’ll do whatever I can to be a helpful host!
David Rabb
  • CONTACT: (preferred); 650-431-5109
  • SERVICES: Shuttles, laundry, food/meals, caching water
  • REGION(S): Borderlands (passages 1-3), Santa Rita Foothills (passages 4-6), Cienegas (passages 7-8), Rincon Mountains (passage 9), Santa Catalinas (passages 10-11), Oracle (passages 12-13), Copper Corridor (passages 14-15)
  • CLOSEST GATEWAY COMMUNITIES: Vail, Tucson, Summerhaven, Oracle
Gregory Rogan
  • CONTACT: (preferred); 520-784-4496
  • SERVICES: Shuttles, shower/laundry, accommodations
  • COMMENTS: Limited availability for shuttles due to work schedule … will do my best to accommodate!
Kathy Stone
  • SERVICES: Shower, Laundry, Accommodations
  • COMMENTS: I may be available to pick up at Sabino Canyon depending on when you come in.
Todd Thompson
  • SERVICES: Shuttles, caching water
  • COMMENTS: I’m willing to help hikers and bikers experiencing serious, unexpected problems. I’m willing to “come to the rescue.”

Oracle (Passages 12-13)
Que Carrillo
  • CONTACT: 928-245-0784 (text preferred);
  • SERVICES: Shuttles, shower/laundry, accommodations, caching water
  • COMMENTS: Our home (Jeff Hough is hubby) is open to all hikers and bikers! We can shuttle when we are available, laundry, hot shower, bed, Wi-Fi, cold beer, hiker box. We love hosting you on your journey!!
Corey Castillo
  • CONTACT: (480) 299-4647 (text preferred);
  • SERVICES: Shuttles, Food/meals, Caching Water
  • REGION(S): Cienegas (passages 7-8), Rincon Mountains (passage 9), Santa Catalinas (passages 10, 11, 11c), Oracle (Passages 12-13), Copper Corridor (Passages 14-15)
  • COMMENTS: Hi there! I’m an AZT section hiker currently living northwest of Tucson. I’m happy to provide shuttles in and out of the city and surrounding gateways, cache water, and be of general support! I’m open Tuesdays and Wednesdays on short notice.
Alyssa Culbertson
  • CONTACT: 520-401-7097 (text preferred);
  • SERVICES: Shuttles, shower, laundry, food/meals, accommodations, caching water
  • REGION(S): Borderlands (passages 1-3), Santa Rita Foothills (passages 4-6), Cienegas (passages 7-8), Rincon Mountains (passage 9), Santa Catalinas (passages 10, 11, 11c), Oracle (passages 12-13), Copper Corridor (passages 14-15), Mineral Mountains (passages 16-17), Superstition Mountains (passages 18-19)
  • CLOSEST GATEWAY COMMUNITIES: Patagonia, Sonoita, Vail, Tucson, Summerhaven, Oracle, Kearny, Superior
Zoe Demitrack
  • CONTACT: 203-909-3256 (call/voicemail preferred);
  • SERVICES: Shuttles, shower, laundry, accommodations, caching water
  • COMMENTS: Hey, I can offer shuttles from the Airport to the southern terminus and vice versa ($60 plus $10 per each additional person). Can only shuttle Friday afternoons through Sunday evenings. No pick-ups off Reddington Rd (sorry my car is over it) but willing to scoop from lower down on Reddington – near the Tanque Verde waterfall area. Please text me GPS points if you are looking for a pick-up. I’m not available Monday-Thursday.
Dar Dobroslavic
  • CONTACT: 520-248-9576 (preferred);
  • SERVICES: Shower/laundry, accommodations
  • COMMENTS: I live on a walled-in 1/4 acre that is 2 miles from downtown Tucson, Interstate 10/Grant Rd Exit, and REI. We are 3 blocks from a major grocery chain, a thrift store, and a variety of local cafes. City bus lines including the airport and to Catalina Hwy turn off to Mt Lemon/Molino Basin trailheads. For accommodations, we offer outdoor only. I can also help trail users find the resources needed to problem solve.
Tiffany Foster
  • CONTACT: 520-551-5903 (text preferred);
  • SERVICES: Shuttles
  • REGION(S): Santa Rita Foothills (passages 4-6), Santa Rita Foothills (passages 7-8), Rincon Mountains (passage 9), Santa Catalinas (passages 10-11/11c), Oracle (passages 12-13)
  • CLOSEST GATEWAY COMMUNITIES: Vail, Tucson, Summerhaven
  • COMMENTS: Texts are the best. I mostly shuttle north of Sahuarita Rd & south of Mt Lemmon. I can reach most trailheads but my car cannot get back to high clearance areas like Reddington Road. I’m willing to drive as far south as Patagonia and as far north as Tiger Mine Road.
Allison Griffin
  • CONTACT: (preferred); 520-896-9716
  • SERVICES: Shuttles, caching water
  • COMMENTS: Best to contact me a few days ahead. My work schedule can dictate my availability. Email, phone, or text – I check each daily, but not hourly.
Anne Hatfield
  • CONTACT: 520-444-3315
  • SERVICES: Shuttles, shower/laundry
  •  COMMENTS: I can give you a ride to the store to restock and offer you a shower and laundry in the Oracle area.
Jeff and Que Hough
  • CONTACT: 928-245-1213 (text preferred);
  • SERVICES: shuttles, shower, laundry, food/meals, accommodations, caching water
  • REGION(S): Oracle (passages 12-13), Copper Corridor (passages 14-15), Mineral Mountains (passages 16-17), Superstition Mountains (passages 18-19)
  • CLOSEST GATEWAY COMMUNITIES: Oracle, Kearny, Superior
  • COMMENTS: We have opened our home to all AZT hikers, We live in Kearny just off the trail and do what we can for them. We love being Trail Angels and hosted our home to 202 hikers last thru hiking season.
Jake Licker
  • CONTACT: 484-602-6899 (text preferred);
  • SERVICES: Shuttles, shower, caching water
  • CLOSEST GATEWAY COMMUNITY: Tucson +/- 200 miles
  • COMMENTS: I’m a poor grad student so I do require gas money but I can definitely do rides to laundry, food, shops, and showers!!
Betsy and Wayne Lubis
  • CONTACT: 913-256-8894 (phone call preferred);
  • SERVICES: Shuttles, shower, laundry, food/meals, accommodations
  • REGION(S): Cienegas (Passages 7 and 8), Rincon Mountains (Passage 9), Santa Catalinas (Passages 10, 11, 11c), Oracle (Passages 12 and 13)
  • CLOSEST GATEWAY COMMUNITIES: Vail, Tucson, Summerhaven
  • COMMENTS: We are located in the heart of Tucson near the U of A and plenty of restaurants and resupply options. Accommodations aren’t luxurious (pull out sofa, futon, screen porch) and the food isn’t gourmet. But, thru-hikers are welcome to come, clean up, do laundry, spend a night or two, resupply and we’ll get you back out there.
Samantha Martinez
  • CONTACT: 520-827-9448 (text);
  • SERVICES: Shuttles, accommodations
  • COMMENTS: Text is best. I am in nursing school but would love to help out as much as my school schedule allows!
Aidan Meehan
  • CONTACT: (845) 608-9037
    ( text preferred);
  • SERVICES:Shuttles, Shower, Laundry, Food/meals, Accommodations, Caching Water
  • REGION(S): Santa Rita Foothills (Passages 4-6), Cienegas (Passages 7 and 8), Rincon Mountains (Passage 9), Santa Catalinas (Passages 10, 11, 11c), Oracle (Passages 12 and 13), Copper Corridor (Passages 14 and 15),
  • CLOSEST GATEWAY COMMUNITIES: Vail, Tucson, Summerhaven, Oracle
  • COMMENTS: Hi all, I completed the PCT this past year and I’m looking to help out where I can on the AZT. I live in an apt in downtown Tucson. If you need a place to stay for the night after flying in to Tucson or once you’re on the trail feel free to reach out. Shower/laundry/housing is available. I can do rides as well, weekdays after 5 and weekends. Happy trails!
Tress Parra
David Rabb
  • CONTACT: (preferred); 650-431-5109
  • SERVICES: Shuttles, laundry, food/meals, caching water
  • REGION(S): Borderlands (passages 1-3), Santa Rita Foothills (passages 4-6), Cienegas (passages 7-8), Rincon Mountains (passage 9), Santa Catalinas (passages 10-11), Oracle (passages 12-13), Copper Corridor (passages 14-15)
  • CLOSEST GATEWAY COMMUNITIES: Vail, Tucson, Summerhaven, Oracle
Gregory Rogan
  • CONTACT: (preferred); 520-784-4496
  • SERVICES: Shuttles, shower/laundry, accommodations
  • COMMENTS: Limited availability for shuttles due to work schedule … will do my best to accommodate!
Pete Stephens
  • CONTACT: 480-689-1075 (preferred);
  • SERVICES: Shuttles, caching water
  • COMMENTS: Most interested in helping Passage 15 and 16 hikers. I am a native to the area the past 50 years, grew up in Florence, and still live nearby. I know the area well and am out and about in the area most winter weekends. Happy to help/advise.
Todd Thompson
  • SERVICES: Shuttles, caching water
  • COMMENTS: I’m willing to help hikers and bikers experiencing serious, unexpected problems. I’m willing to “come to the rescue.”

Copper Corridor (Passages 14-15)
Que Carrillo
  • CONTACT: 928-245-0784 (text preferred);
  • SERVICES: Shuttles, shower/laundry, accommodations, caching water
  • COMMENTS: Our home (Jeff Hough is hubby) is open to all hikers and bikers! We can shuttle when we are available, laundry, hot shower, bed, Wi-Fi, cold beer, hiker box. We love hosting you on your journey!!
Corey Castillo
  • CONTACT: (480) 299-4647 (text preferred);
  • SERVICES: Shuttles, Food/meals, Caching Water
  • REGION(S): Cienegas (passages 7-8), Rincon Mountains (passage 9), Santa Catalinas (passages 10, 11, 11c), Oracle (Passages 12-13), Copper Corridor (Passages 14-15)
  • COMMENTS: Hi there! I’m an AZT section hiker currently living northwest of Tucson. I’m happy to provide shuttles in and out of the city and surrounding gateways, cache water, and be of general support! I’m open Tuesdays and Wednesdays on short notice.
Alyssa Culbertson
  • CONTACT: 520-401-7097 (text preferred);
  • SERVICES: Shuttles, shower, laundry, food/meals, accommodations, caching water
  • REGION(S): Borderlands (passages 1-3), Santa Rita Foothills (passages 4-6), Cienegas (passages 7-8), Rincon Mountains (passage 9), Santa Catalinas (passages 10, 11, 11c), Oracle (passages 12-13), Copper Corridor (passages 14-15), Mineral Mountains (passages 16-17), Superstition Mountains (passages 18-19)
  • CLOSEST GATEWAY COMMUNITIES: Patagonia, Sonoita, Vail, Tucson, Summerhaven, Oracle, Kearny, Superior
Ken Gibson
  • CONTACT: 323-388-6774
  • SERVICES: Shuttles
  • COMMENTS: I will be glad to do pick-ups and drop-offs at the Kelvin Bridge (Gila River crossing). Can provide shuttles into Kearny.
Allison Griffin
  • CONTACT: (preferred); 520-896-9716
  • SERVICES: Shuttles, caching water
  • COMMENTS: Best to contact me a few days ahead. My work schedule can dictate my availability. Email, phone, or text – I check each daily, but not hourly.
Jeff and Que Hough
  • CONTACT: 928-245-1213 (text preferred);
  • SERVICES: shuttles, shower, laundry, food/meals, accommodations, caching water
  • REGION: Oracle (passages 12-13), Copper Corridor (passages 14-15), Mineral Mountains (passages 16-17), Superstition Mountains (passages 18-19)
  • CLOSEST GATEWAY COMMUNITIES: Oracle, Kearny, Superior
  • COMMENTS: We have opened our home to all AZT hikers, We live in Kearny just off the trail and do what we can for them. We love being Trail Angels and hosted our home to 202 hikers last thru hiking season.
Samantha Martinez
  • CONTACT: 520-827-9448 (text);
  • SERVICES: Shuttles, accommodations
  • COMMENTS: Text is best. I am in nursing school but would love to help out as much as my school schedule allows!
Aidan Meehan
  • CONTACT: (845) 608-9037
    ( text preferred);
  • SERVICES:Shuttles, Shower, Laundry, Food/meals, Accommodations, Caching Water
  • REGION(S): Santa Rita Foothills (Passages 4-6), Cienegas (Passages 7 and 8), Rincon Mountains (Passage 9), Santa Catalinas (Passages 10, 11, 11c), Oracle (Passages 12 and 13), Copper Corridor (Passages 14 and 15),
  • CLOSEST GATEWAY COMMUNITIES: Vail, Tucson, Summerhaven, Oracle
  • COMMENTS: Hi all, I completed the PCT this past year and I’m looking to help out where I can on the AZT. I live in an apt in downtown Tucson. If you need a place to stay for the night after flying in to Tucson or once you’re on the trail feel free to reach out. Shower/laundry/housing is available. I can do rides as well, weekdays after 5 and weekends. Happy trails!
Tress Parra
Alan Rasmussen
  • CONTACT: 208-310-5087 (call preferred);
  • SERVICES: shuttles, shower, laundry, accommodations
  • REGION: Copper Corridor (passages 14-15), Superstition Mountains (passages 18-19)
  • COMMENTS: We have a garage with running water and a bed. Another bedroom may sometimes be available. I can do shuttles at some distance when my schedule allows. Bathroom/shower is inside the house. We are six miles from the Picket Post trailhead in Superior. Not so far from Phoenix, an hour, if that’s one of your stops.
Pete Stephens
  • CONTACT: 480-689-1075 (preferred);
  • SERVICES: Shuttles, caching water
  • COMMENTS: Most interested in helping Passage 15 and 16 hikers. I am a native to the area the past 50 years, grew up in Florence, and still live nearby. I know the area well and am out and about in the area most winter weekends. Happy to help/advise.
David Rabb
  • CONTACT: (preferred); 650-431-5109
  • SERVICES: Shuttles, laundry, food/meals, caching water
  • REGION(S): Borderlands (passages 1-3), Santa Rita Foothills (passages 4-6), Cienegas (passages 7-8), Rincon Mountains (passage 9), Santa Catalinas (passages 10-11), Oracle (passages 12-13), Copper Corridor (passages 14-15)
  • CLOSEST GATEWAY COMMUNITIES: Vail, Tucson, Summerhaven, Oracle

Mineral Mountains (Passages 16-17)
Brady Burns
  • CONTACT: 602-819-1311
  • SERVICES: Shuttles, caching water
Lee Carter
  • CONTACT: (preferred); 303-880-5717
  • SERVICES: Shuttles, shower/laundry, accommodations, caching water
  • COMMENTS: Located in Fountain Hills or 30 miles from Sunflower. Can also assist with PHX shuttles and with thru-bikers who need a place to do bike maintenance.
Que Carrillo
  • CONTACT: 928-245-0784 (text preferred);
  • SERVICES: Shuttles, shower/laundry, accommodations, caching water
  • COMMENTS: Our home (Jeff Hough is hubby) is open to all hikers and bikers! We can shuttle when we are available, laundry, hot shower, bed, Wi-Fi, cold beer, hiker box. We love hosting you on your journey!!
Alyssa Culbertson
  • CONTACT: 520-401-7097 (text preferred);
  • SERVICES: Shuttles, shower, laundry, food/meals, accommodations, caching water
  • REGION(S): Borderlands (passages 1-3), Santa Rita Foothills (passages 4-6), Cienegas (passages 7-8), Rincon Mountains (passage 9), Santa Catalinas (passages 10, 11, 11c), Oracle (passages 12-13), Copper Corridor (passages 14-15), Mineral Mountains (passages 16-17), Superstition Mountains (passages 18-19)
  • CLOSEST GATEWAY COMMUNITIES: Patagonia, Sonoita, Vail, Tucson, Summerhaven, Oracle, Kearny, Superior
Sandy Fortner
  • CONTACT: 480-388-0348 (text preferred);
  • SERVICES: Shower/laundry
  • COMMENTS: Superior area. Please TEXT me. I generally cannot help out last minute, but, with advance notice, I can usually arrange my schedule and help out. I am not super close to the Trail, but I can help out at Superior with prior notice. I am in Apache Junction – 40 miles west of Superior but you are welcome to take a zero here.
Ken Gibson
  • CONTACT: 323-388-6774
  • SERVICES: Shuttles
  • COMMENTS: I will be glad to do pick-ups and drop-offs at the Kelvin Bridge (Gila River crossing). Can provide shuttles into Kearny.
Kyle Gossett
  • CONTACT: 480-309-8075
  • SERVICES: Caching water
  • COMMENTS: Available to cache water periodically
Allison Griffin
  • CONTACT: (preferred); 520-896-9716
  • SERVICES: Shuttles, caching water
  • COMMENTS: Best to contact me a few days ahead. My work schedule can dictate my availability. Email, phone, or text – I check each daily, but not hourly.
Jeff and Que Hough
  • CONTACT: 928-245-1213 (text preferred);
  • SERVICES: shuttles, shower, laundry, food/meals, accommodations, caching water
  • REGION: Oracle (passages 12-13), Copper Corridor (passages 14-15), Mineral Mountains (passages 16-17), Superstition Mountains (passages 18-19)
  • CLOSEST GATEWAY COMMUNITIES: Oracle, Kearny, Superior
  • COMMENTS: We have opened our home to all AZT hikers, We live in Kearny just off the trail and do what we can for them. We love being Trail Angels and hosted our home to 202 hikers last thru hiking season.
George Justin Jennings
Vicki Jewell
  • CONTACT: 602-403-5800
  • SERVICES: Shower/laundry
  • COMMENTS: Make sure you call us. We do have a guest house, but we have a lot of families to visit us. We need to know in advance if you will be visiting us.
Lacey Keith
  • CONTACT: 928-951-6410 (preferred);
  • SERVICES: Shuttles, caching water, shower/laundry, accommodations
  • COMMENTS: Private mother-in-law quarters available down in Gisela AZ. Can pick up at Sunflower, Roosevelt, or Payson.
Samantha Martinez
  • CONTACT: 520-827-9448 (text);
  • SERVICES: Shuttles, accommodations
  • COMMENTS: Text is best. I am in nursing school but would love to help out as much as my school schedule allows!
Edith Nelson
  • CONTACT: 480-489-1509 (text preferred);
  • SERVICES: Shuttles, shower, laundry, food/meals, accommodations, caching water
  • REGION(S): Mineral Mountains (passages 16-17), Superstition Mountains (passages 18-19)
  • COMMENTS: I am approximately 30 miles from Phoenix Sky Harbor and Picket Post TH. I have a small dog and a big cat; fyi for allergies.
Tress Parra
Scott & Becky Settje
  • CONTACT: 972-816-6907 (preferred);
  • SERVICES: Shuttles, shower/laundry, accommodations (tent only), caching water
  • COMMENTS: We are offering our 6 acre paradise for thru hikers needing a break from the trail. Hot showers, laundry, and tent camping will be offered. We provide rides between Roosevelt Lake Marina, Payson, and Pine; including shuttles to and from Mills Ridge and Pigeon Springs trailheads. Bikes are provided and hikers can pedal 2 miles to the Tonto Basin Market and Dollar General for resupply. Donations to cover gas will be appreciated.
Fernando Shipley
  • SERVICES: Shuttles, caching water
  • COMMENTS: I love the trail and am willing to do what I can to help make the experience possible. This is not a job for me so a simple “please” will get you a long ways. Looking forward to seeing more people on the trail.
Pete Stephens
  • CONTACT: 480-689-1075 (preferred);
  • SERVICES: Shuttles, caching water
  • COMMENTS: Most interested in helping Passage 15 and 16 hikers. I am a native to the area the past 50 years, grew up in Florence, and still live nearby. I know the area well and am out and about in the area most winter weekends. Happy to help/advise.

Superstition Mountains (Passages 18-19)
Brady Burns
  • CONTACT: 602-819-1311
  • SERVICES: Shuttles, caching water
Lee Carter
  • CONTACT: (preferred); 303-880-5717
  • SERVICES: Shuttles, shower/laundry, accommodations, caching water
  • COMMENTS: Located in Fountain Hills or 30 miles from Sunflower. Can also assist with PHX shuttles and with thru-bikers who need a place to do bike maintenance.
Que Carrillo
  • CONTACT: 928-245-0784 (text preferred);
  • SERVICES: Shuttles, shower/laundry, accommodations, caching water
  • COMMENTS: Our home (Jeff Hough is hubby) is open to all hikers and bikers! We can shuttle when we are available, laundry, hot shower, bed, Wi-Fi, cold beer, hiker box. We love hosting you on your journey!
Alyssa Culbertson
  • CONTACT: 520-401-7097 (text preferred);
  • SERVICES: Shuttles, shower, laundry, food/meals, accommodations, caching water
  • REGION(S): Borderlands (passages 1-3), Santa Rita Foothills (passages 4-6), Cienegas (passages 7-8), Rincon Mountains (passage 9), Santa Catalinas (passages 10, 11, 11c), Oracle (passages 12-13), Copper Corridor (passages 14-15), Mineral Mountains (passages 16-17), Superstition Mountains (passages 18-19)
  • CLOSEST GATEWAY COMMUNITIES: Patagonia, Sonoita, Vail, Tucson, Summerhaven, Oracle, Kearny, Superior
Sandy Fortner
  • CONTACT: 480-388-0348 (text preferred);
  • SERVICES: Shower/laundry
  • COMMENTS: Superior area. Please TEXT me. I generally cannot help out last minute, but, with advance notice, I can usually arrange my schedule and help out. I am not super close to the Trail, but I can help out at Superior with prior notice. I am in Apache Junction – 40 miles west of Superior but you are welcome to take a zero here.
Allison Griffin
  • CONTACT: (preferred); 520-896-9716
  • SERVICES: Shuttles, caching water
  • COMMENTS: Best to contact me a few days ahead. My work schedule can dictate my availability. Email, phone, or text – I check each daily, but not hourly.
Kyle Gossett
  • CONTACT: 480-309-8075
  • SERVICES: Caching water
  • COMMENTS: Available to cache water periodically
Jeff and Que Hough
  • CONTACT: 928-245-1213 (text preferred);
  • SERVICES: shuttles, shower, laundry, food/meals, accommodations, caching water
  • REGION: Oracle (passages 12-13), Copper Corridor (passages 14-15), Mineral Mountains (passages 16-17), Superstition Mountains (passages 18-19)
  • CLOSEST GATEWAY COMMUNITIES: Oracle, Kearny, Superior
  • COMMENTS: We have opened our home to all AZT hikers, We live in Kearny just off the trail and do what we can for them. We love being Trail Angels and hosted our home to 202 hikers last thru hiking season.
George Justin Jennings
Vicki Jewell
  • CONTACT: 602-403-5800
  • SERVICES: Shower/laundry
  • COMMENTS: Make sure you call us. We do have a guest house, but we have a lot of families to visit us. We need to know in advance if you will be visiting us.
Lacey Keith
  • CONTACT: 928-951-6410 (preferred);
  • SERVICES: Shuttles, caching water, shower/laundry, accommodations
  • COMMENTS: Private mother-in-law quarters available down in Gisela AZ. Can pick up at Sunflower, Roosevelt, or Payson.
Samantha Martinez
  • CONTACT: 520-827-9448 (text);
  • SERVICES: Shuttles, accommodations
  • COMMENTS: Text is best. I am in nursing school but would love to help out as much as my school schedule allows!
Sallie McCutcheon
  • CONTACT: (preferred); 602-944-1681
  • SERVICES: Shuttles
  • REGIONS: Superstition Mountains (passages 18-19), Four Peaks (passages 20-22)
  • COMMENTS: I can pick up/drop off at Picketpost Trailhead (between passages 17/18) and Sunflower Trailhead (between passages 21/22).
Edith Nelson
  • CONTACT: 480-489-1509 (text preferred);
  • SERVICES: Shuttles, shower, laundry, food/meals, accommodations, caching water
  • REGION(S): Mineral Mountains (passages 16-17), Superstition Mountains (passages 18-19)
  • COMMENTS: I am approximately 30 miles from Phoenix Sky Harbor and Picket Post TH. I have a small dog and a big cat; fyi for allergies.
Tress Parra
Alan Rasmussen
  • CONTACT: 208-310-5087 (call preferred);
  • SERVICES: shuttles, shower, laundry, accommodations
  • REGION: Copper Corridor (passages 14-15), Superstition Mountains (passages 18-19)
  • COMMENTS: We have a garage with running water and a bed. Another bedroom may sometimes be available. I can do shuttles at some distance when my schedule allows. Bathroom/shower is inside the house. We are six miles from the Picket Post trailhead in Superior. Not so far from Phoenix, an hour, if that’s one of your stops.
Chris Schmidt
  • CONTACT: (preferred); 480-375-1203
  • SERVICES: Shuttles, caching water
  • REGION(S): Superstition Mountains (passages 18-19)
  • COMMENTS: I live in Apache Junction near the Superstition Mountains. I’m happy to help with shuttles or caches. I can easily get to any trailhead between Picket Post and Roosevelt Dam or hike in to meet somewhere. **Available weekends only**.
Scott & Becky Settje
  • CONTACT: 972-816-6907 (preferred);
  • SERVICES: Shuttles, shower/laundry, accommodations (tent only), caching water
  • COMMENTS: We are offering our 6 acre paradise for thru hikers needing a break from the trail. Hot showers, laundry, and tent camping will be offered. We provide rides between Roosevelt Lake Marina, Payson, and Pine; including shuttles to and from Mills Ridge and Pigeon Springs trailheads. Bikes are provided and hikers can pedal 2 miles to the Tonto Basin Market and Dollar General for resupply. Donations to cover gas will be appreciated.
Fernando Shipley
  • SERVICES: Shuttles, caching water
  • COMMENTS: I love the trail and am willing to do what I can to help make the experience possible. This is not a job for me so a simple “please” will get you a long ways. Looking forward to seeing more people on the trail.
Pete Stephens
  • CONTACT: 480-689-1075 (preferred);
  • SERVICES: Shuttles, caching water
  • COMMENTS: Most interested in helping Passage 15 and 16 hikers. I am a native to the area the past 50 years, grew up in Florence, and still live nearby. I know the area well and am out and about in the area most winter weekends. Happy to help/advise.

Four Peaks (Passages 20-22)
Brady Burns
  • CONTACT: 602-819-1311
  • SERVICES: Shuttles, caching water
Lee Carter
  • CONTACT: (preferred); 303-880-5717
  • SERVICES: Shuttles, shower/laundry, accommodations, caching water
  • COMMENTS: Located in Fountain Hills or 30 miles from Sunflower. Can also assist with PHX shuttles and with thru-bikers who need a place to do bike maintenance.
Kyle Gossett
  • CONTACT: 480-309-8075
  • SERVICES: Caching water
  • COMMENTS: Available to cache water periodically
George Justin Jennings
Vicki Jewell
  • CONTACT: 602-403-5800
  • SERVICES: Shower/laundry
  • COMMENTS: Make sure you call us. We do have a guest house, but we have a lot of families to visit us. We need to know in advance if you will be visiting us.
Lacey Keith
  • CONTACT: 928-951-6410 (preferred);
  • SERVICES: Shuttles, caching water, shower/laundry, accommodations
  • COMMENTS: Private mother-in-law quarters available down in Gisela AZ. Can pick up at Sunflower, Roosevelt, or Payson.
Sallie McCutcheon
  • CONTACT: (preferred); 602-944-1681
  • SERVICES: Shuttles
  • REGIONS: Superstition Mountains (passages 18-19), Four Peaks (passages 20-22)
  • COMMENTS: I can pick up/drop off at Picketpost Trailhead (between passages 17/18) and Sunflower Trailhead (between passages 21/22).
Scott & Becky Settje
  • CONTACT: 972-816-6907 (preferred);
  • SERVICES: Shuttles, shower/laundry, accommodations (tent only), caching water
  • COMMENTS: We are offering our 6 acre paradise for thru hikers needing a break from the trail. Hot showers, laundry, and tent camping will be offered. We provide rides between Roosevelt Lake Marina, Payson, and Pine; including shuttles to and from Mills Ridge and Pigeon Springs trailheads. Bikes are provided and hikers can pedal 2 miles to the Tonto Basin Market and Dollar General for resupply. Donations to cover gas will be appreciated.
Fernando Shipley
  • SERVICES: Shuttles, caching water
  • COMMENTS: I love the trail and am willing to do what I can to help make the experience possible. This is not a job for me so a simple “please” will get you a long ways. Looking forward to seeing more people on the trail.
Clayton Sims
  • CONTACT: 602-733-4100 (text preferred);
  • SERVICES: Shuttles, shower, laundry, food/meals, accommodations, caching water
  • REGION(S): Four Peaks (passages 20-22), Mazatzal Wilderness (passages 23-24), Rim Country (passages 25-26)
  • COMMENTS: Hi all, I live in Payson and work for the US Forest Service, I have hiked the AZT and several others across the west. I have a home in Payson and would love to accommodate your trip by providing what I can (shuttle, bed, laundry, shower etc.). Please feel free to reach out with whatever you need.

Mazatzal Wilderness (Passages 23-24)
Brady Burns
  • CONTACT: 602-819-1311
  • SERVICES: Shuttles, caching water
Lee Carter
  • CONTACT: (preferred); 303-880-5717
  • SERVICES: Shuttles, shower/laundry, accommodations, caching water
  • COMMENTS: Located in Fountain Hills or 30 miles from Sunflower. Can also assist with PHX shuttles and with thru-bikers who need a place to do bike maintenance.
Kyle Gossett
  • CONTACT: 480-309-8075
  • SERVICES: Caching water
  • COMMENTS: Available to cache water periodically
George Justin Jennings
Vicki Jewell
  • CONTACT: 602-403-5800
  • SERVICES: Shower/laundry
  • COMMENTS: Make sure you call us. We do have a guest house, but we have a lot of families to visit us. We need to know in advance if you will be visiting us.
Lacey Keith
  • CONTACT: 928-951-6410 (preferred);
  • SERVICES: Shuttles, caching water, shower/laundry, accommodations
  • COMMENTS: Private mother-in-law quarters available down in Gisela AZ. Can pick up at Sunflower, Roosevelt, or Payson.
Scott & Becky Settje
  • CONTACT: 972-816-6907 (preferred);
  • SERVICES: Shuttles, shower/laundry, accommodations (tent only), caching water
  • COMMENTS: We are offering our 6 acre paradise for thru hikers needing a break from the trail. Hot showers, laundry, and tent camping will be offered. We provide rides between Roosevelt Lake Marina, Payson, and Pine; including shuttles to and from Mills Ridge and Pigeon Springs trailheads. Bikes are provided and hikers can pedal 2 miles to the Tonto Basin Market and Dollar General for resupply. Donations to cover gas will be appreciated.
Fernando Shipley
  • SERVICES: Shuttles, caching water
  • COMMENTS: I love the trail and am willing to do what I can to help make the experience possible. This is not a job for me so a simple “please” will get you a long ways. Looking forward to seeing more people on the trail.
Clayton Sims
  • CONTACT: 602-733-4100 (text preferred);
  • SERVICES: Shuttles, shower, laundry, food/meals, accommodations, caching water
  • REGION(S): Four Peaks (passages 20-22), Mazatzal Wilderness (passages 23-24), Rim Country (passages 25-26)
  • COMMENTS: Hi all, I live in Payson and work for the US Forest Service, I have hiked the AZT and several others across the west. I have a home in Payson and would love to accommodate your trip by providing what I can (shuttle, bed, laundry, shower etc.). Please feel free to reach out with whatever you need.

Rim Country (Passages 25-26)
Brady Burns
  • CONTACT: 602-819-1311
  • SERVICES: Shuttles, caching water
Lee Carter
  • CONTACT: (preferred); 303-880-5717
  • SERVICES: Shuttles, shower/laundry, accommodations, caching water
  • COMMENTS: Located in Fountain Hills or 30 miles from Sunflower. Can also assist with PHX shuttles and with thru-bikers who need a place to do bike maintenance.
Felicia French
  • CONTACT: 480-295-1696 (text preferred);
  • SERVICES: Shuttles, shower, laundry, food/meals, accommodations
  • REGION: Rim Country (passages 25-26), Mogollon Rim (passages 27-29)
  • COMMENTS: I NOBO thru hiked in 2019. I am currently working on the Navajo Reservation and only occasionally in the Pine area to assist as a Trail Angel. Please text me to see if I am available. If you know in advance when you will need help in the Pine area, I might be able to plan my time off there.
Kyle Gossett
  • CONTACT: 480-309-8075
  • SERVICES: Caching water
  • COMMENTS: Available to cache water periodically
George Justin Jennings
Vicki Jewell
  • CONTACT: 602-403-5800
  • SERVICES: Shower/laundry
  • COMMENTS: Make sure you call us. We do have a guest house, but we have a lot of families to visit us. We need to know in advance if you will be visiting us.
Wendy Jones
  • CONTACT: 727-314-9085 (call preferred);
  • SERVICES: Shuttles
  • REGION(S): Rim Country (passages 25-26), Mogollon Rim (passages 27-29)
Lacey Keith
  • CONTACT: 928-951-6410 (preferred);
  • SERVICES: Shuttles, caching water, shower/laundry, accommodations
  • COMMENTS: Private mother-in-law quarters available down in Gisela AZ. Can pick up at Sunflower, Roosevelt, or Payson.
Jason and Elizabeth Odhner
  • CONTACT: (preferred); 602-762-1975
  • SERVICES: Food/meals, caching water
  • COMMENTS: We live full-time in a blue skoolie. We look forward to offering meals, water, and a charging station for anyone who needs it.
Scott & Becky Settje
  • CONTACT: 972-816-6907 (preferred);
  • SERVICES: Shuttles, shower/laundry, accommodations (tent only), caching water
  • COMMENTS: We are offering our 6 acre paradise for thru hikers needing a break from the trail. Hot showers, laundry, and tent camping will be offered. We provide rides between Roosevelt Lake Marina, Payson, and Pine; including shuttles to and from Mills Ridge and Pigeon Springs trailheads. Bikes are provided and hikers can pedal 2 miles to the Tonto Basin Market and Dollar General for resupply. Donations to cover gas will be appreciated.
Fernando Shipley
  • SERVICES: Shuttles, caching water
  • COMMENTS: I love the trail and am willing to do what I can to help make the experience possible. This is not a job for me so a simple “please” will get you a long ways. Looking forward to seeing more people on the trail.
Clayton Sims
  • CONTACT: 602-733-4100 (text preferred);
  • SERVICES: Shuttles, shower, laundry, food/meals, accommodations, caching water
  • REGION(S): Four Peaks (passages 20-22), Mazatzal Wilderness (passages 23-24), Rim Country (passages 25-26)
  • COMMENTS: Hi all, I live in Payson and work for the US Forest Service, I have hiked the AZT and several others across the west. I have a home in Payson and would love to accommodate your trip by providing what I can (shuttle, bed, laundry, shower etc.). Please feel free to reach out with whatever you need.
Dawn Slocum
  • CONTACT: 480-220-9399 ; (email preferred)
  • SERVICES: Shuttles, shower, laundry
  • REGION(S): Rim Country (passages 25-26), Mogollon Rim (Passages 27-29)
  • COMMENTS: Text me to see if I am available.

Mogollon Rim (Passages 27-29)
Felicia French
  • CONTACT: 480-295-1696 (text preferred);
  • SERVICES: Shuttles, shower, laundry, food/meals, accommodations
  • REGION: Rim Country (passages 25-26), Mogollon Rim (passages 27-29)
  • COMMENTS: I NOBO thru hiked in 2019. I am currently working on the Navajo Reservation and only occasionally in the Pine area to assist as a Trail Angel. Please text me to see if I am available. If you know in advance when you will need help in the Pine area, I might be able to plan my time off there.
Kyle Gossett
  • CONTACT: 480-309-8075
  • SERVICES: Caching water
  • COMMENTS: Available to cache water periodically
Vicki Jewell
  • CONTACT: 602-403-5800
  • SERVICES: Shower/laundry
  • COMMENTS: Make sure you call us. We do have a guest house, but we have a lot of families to visit us. We need to know in advance if you will be visiting us.
Wendy Jones
  • CONTACT: 727-314-9085 (call preferred);
  • SERVICES: Shuttles
  • REGION(S): Rim Country (passages 25-26), Mogollon Rim (passages 27-29)
David & Lisa Sargent
  • CONTACT: (928) 298-5284 (text preferred);
  • SERVICES: Shuttles, Caching Water
  • REGION(S): Mogollon Rim (passages 27-29)
  • CLOSEST GATEWAY COMMUNITY: Pine, Mormon Lake Village, Flagstaff
  • COMMENTS: We live near the intersection of sections 27 and 28 (mile 498.) We are new and have limited shuttle availability. We can accept packages and if timing is right meet up on the trail to deliver or work out other ways, including picking up at our house (5 miles from trailheads.) We can cache water and could be available for emergencies.
Jason and Elizabeth Odhner
  • CONTACT: (preferred); 602-762-1975
  • SERVICES: Food/meals, caching water
  • COMMENTS: We live full-time in a blue skoolie. We look forward to offering meals, water, and a charging station for anyone who needs it.

The Mesas (Passages 30-31)
Kyle Gossett
  • CONTACT: 480-309-8075
  • SERVICES: Caching water
  • COMMENTS: Available to cache water periodically
Vicki Jewell
  • CONTACT: 602-403-5800
  • SERVICES: Shower/laundry
  • COMMENTS: Make sure you call us. We do have a guest house, but we have a lot of families to visit us. We need to know in advance if you will be visiting us.
Jason and Elizabeth Odhner
  • CONTACT: (preferred); 602-762-1975
  • SERVICES: Food/meals, caching water
  • COMMENTS: We live full-time in a blue skoolie. We look forward to offering meals, water, and a charging station for anyone who needs it.
Dawn Slocum
  • CONTACT: 480-220-9399 ; (email preferred)
  • SERVICES: Shuttles, shower, laundry
  • REGION(S): Rim Country (passages 25-26), Mogollon Rim (Passages 27-29)
  • COMMENTS: Text me to see if I am available.

Flagstaff (Passages 32-34)
Courtney Burton
  • CONTACT: (preferred); (804) 332-4093
  • SERVICES: Shuttles, Shower, Accommodations, Caching Water
  • REGION(S): Flagstaff (Passages 32-34), Stagecoach (Passages 35 and 36), The Grand Canyon (Passages 37 and 38)
  • CLOSEST GATEWAY COMMUNITY: Payson, Pine, Flagstaff, Grand Canyon South Rim
  • COMMENTS:Hi! I work in Grand Canyon National Park on the River as a River Guide. I am happy to cache water, shuttle, bring supplies/resupply. I have a few shower passes I can give out for Flagstaff Athletic Club, sauna/ gym.
Martha Davis
  • SERVICES:  Shuttles, shower, laundry, caching water
  • REGION(S): Flagstaff (passages 32-34), Stagecoach (passages 35-36), The Grand Canyon (passages 37-38)
Grant Dunstan
  • CONTACT: 928-310-8948; (preferred)
  • SERVICES: Shuttles, Food/meals
  • REGION(S): Flagstaff (passages 32-34)
  • COMMENTS: I’m new to this great opportunity, learning as I go. Please go easy on me ha ha. I’ll accept texts only for:
    1. access to the bathroom (toilet, sink) and a towel
    2. fresh fruit and relatively healthy snacks, fresh water, coffee, tea
    3. a ride anywhere in a 15 min. radius of my home
    FYI for non-dog lovers: I have two small dogs that bark annoyingly for a few minutes.
Laurie Gargione
  • CONTACT: (480) 292-2558 (text preferred);
  • SERVICES:  Shuttles, Food/Meals
  • REGION(S): Flagstaff (passages 32-34)
  • COMMENTS: I’m new to this great opportunity, learning as I go. Please go easy on me ha ha. I’ll accept texts only for:
    1. access to the bathroom (toilet, sink) and a towel
    2. fresh fruit and relatively healthy snacks, fresh water, coffee, tea
    3. a ride anywhere in a 15 min. radius of my home
    FYI for non-dog lovers: I have two small dogs that bark annoyingly for a few minutes.
Michael Gelfeld
  • CONTACT: 240-477-3163 (text preferred);
  • SERVICES:  Shuttle, showers, laundry, accommodations, caching water
  • REGION(S): Flagstaff (passages 32-34)
  • COMMENTS: I am a former AZT thru hiker (2019). I loved the trail so much that I moved to Flagstaff after finishing my hike! I can offer space to stay in my house (floor w/air mattress or couch or tenting in backyard), along with shuttles, water caching, rides around town etc. I live pretty close to downtown, grocery stores, as well as the Schultz Trailhead.
Kyle Gossett
  • CONTACT: 480-309-8075
  • SERVICES: Caching water
  • COMMENTS: Available to cache water periodically
Doug Holderman
Vicki Jewell
  • CONTACT: 602-403-5800
  • SERVICES: Shower/laundry
  • COMMENTS: Make sure you call us. We do have a guest house, but we have a lot of families to visit us. We need to know in advance if you will be visiting us.
Mckayle Law
  • CONTACT: 801-686-1700
  • SERVICES: Shuttles, shower/laundry, caching water
  • COMMENTS: Howdy! I can occasionally host, and I am usually available for shuttling, laundry, cooking up a homemade meal and showing you around town. I plan on doing the trail spring 2021 and would love to hear your stories.
Linda Murdoch
  • CONTACT: (preferred); 928-220-5039
  • SERVICES: Food/meals, caching water
  • REGION: Flagstaff (passages 32-34)
Jason and Elizabeth Odhner
  • CONTACT: (preferred); 602-762-1975
  • SERVICES: Food/meals, caching water
  • COMMENTS: We live full-time in a blue skoolie. We look forward to offering meals, water, and a charging station for anyone who needs it.
Tracy Paulsen
  • CONTACT: 480-347-6732 (text preferred);
  • SERVICES: Shuttles, caching water
  • REGION: Flagstaff (passages 32-34)
  • COMMENTS: I’m an AZT alum living in Flagstaff, I will be happy to help with shuttles or caching water or bringing supplies. Text me! Depending on my work schedule I may also be able to travel further around the state.
Georgia Roberts
  • CONTACT:  (303) 717-7001(text preferred);
  • SERVICES: Shuttles, Shower, Laundry, Accommodations
  • REGION: Flagstaff (passages 32-34)
  • COMMENTS: Most comfortable providing showers/accommodations/laundry to women and non-binary folks!
Rose Tarquini-Cassel
  • CONTACT: 602-615-9172 (text preferred);
  • SERVICES: Shuttles, shower, laundry, food/meals, accommodations
  • REGION: Flagstaff (passages 32-34)
  • COMMENTS: House guests must be ok with cats and dogs.
Melody & Tim Varner
  • CONTACT: 928-853-3374 (text preferred); 
  • SERVICES: Shuttles, shower, laundry, one-night accommodations
  • REGION: Flagstaff (passages 32-34)
  • COMMENTS: Thru-hikers only

Stagecoach Line (Passages 35-36)
Courtney Burton
  • CONTACT: (preferred); (804) 332-4093
  • SERVICES: Shuttles, Shower, Accommodations, Caching Water
  • REGION(S): Flagstaff (Passages 32-34), Stagecoach (Passages 35 and 36), The Grand Canyon (Passages 37 and 38)
  • CLOSEST GATEWAY COMMUNITY: Payson, Pine, Flagstaff, Grand Canyon South Rim
  • COMMENTS:Hi! I work in Grand Canyon National Park on the River as a River Guide. I am happy to cache water, shuttle, bring supplies/resupply. I have a few shower passes I can give out for Flagstaff Athletic Club, sauna/ gym.
Martha Davis
  • SERVICES:  Shuttles, shower, laundry, caching water
  • REGION(S): Flagstaff (passages 32-34), Stagecoach (passages 35-36), The Grand Canyon (passages 37-38)
Kyle Gossett
  • CONTACT: 480-309-8075
  • SERVICES: Caching water
  • COMMENTS: Available to cache water periodically
Doug Holderman
Vicki Jewell
  • CONTACT: 602-403-5800
  • SERVICES: Shower/laundry
  • COMMENTS: Make sure you call us. We do have a guest house, but we have a lot of families to visit us. We need to know in advance if you will be visiting us.

The Grand Canyon (Passages 37-38)
Courtney Burton
  • CONTACT: (preferred); (804) 332-4093
  • SERVICES: Shuttles, Shower, Accommodations, Caching Water
  • REGION(S): Flagstaff (Passages 32-34), Stagecoach (Passages 35 and 36), The Grand Canyon (Passages 37 and 38)
  • CLOSEST GATEWAY COMMUNITY: Payson, Pine, Flagstaff, Grand Canyon South Rim
  • COMMENTS:Hi! I work in Grand Canyon National Park on the River as a River Guide. I am happy to cache water, shuttle, bring supplies/resupply. I have a few shower passes I can give out for Flagstaff Athletic Club, sauna/ gym.
Martha Davis
  • SERVICES:  Shuttles, shower, laundry, caching water
  • REGION(S): Flagstaff (passages 32-34), Stagecoach (passages 35-36), The Grand Canyon (passages 37-38)
Doug Holderman
Lori McGraw
  • CONTACT: (preferred); 706-344-9134 (text preferred)
  • SERVICES: Shuttles, Shower, Laundry, Food/meals, Accommodations
  • REGION(S): The Grand Canyon (Passages 37-38); The Arizona Strip (passages 38-43)
  • CLOSEST GATEWAY COMMUNITIES: Grand Canyon North Rim, Jacob Lake, Kanab
  • COMMENTS: I can provide shuttles to and from the trail on the North Rim and along House Rock Valley. I also have a Mother in Law suite with a private bath that can accommodate 2 hikers. I do ask for donations to cover my gas costs.

The Arizona Strip (Passages 39-43)
Shirlz Jocelyn
  • CONTACT:; (435) 216-6644 (text preferred)
  • SERVICES: Shuttles, Shower, Laundry, Food/meals, Accommodations, Caching Water
  • REGION(S): The Arizona Strip (passages 38-43)
  • COMMENTS: I have a spare room or space for a tent on my property. (I do have a lab puppy and 2 cats) Shower and laundry available. Text me for rates. I would appreciate reimbursement for shuttle service to state line or Jacob lake. I go to the forest often so I could stash water for you if needed.
Denise Hargis
  • CONTACT: (preferred); 928-614-8478
  • SERVICES: Shuttles
  • REGION(S): The Arizona Strip (passages 38-43)
  • COMMENTS: I live in Page and can do shuttles to/from the Northern Terminus. Accommodations available on a case by case basis.
Max ‘Peter Pan’ Hoffman
  • CONTACT: 614-312-1308 (text preferred);
  • SERVICES: Shuttles, shower, laundry, accommodations
  • REGION: Arizona Strip (passages 38-43)
  • COMMENTS: I love the AZT and am honored to be able to help others enjoy it as well! I can offer a shower, laundry, and a couch or floor or space for a tent outside (don’t have guest beds sorry). Also I’m fairly broke – need reimbursement for gas. I can shuttle to/from Stateline or St. George, where there is a municipal airport and a shuttle to Vegas.
Ashley Rankin Brunner
  • CONTACT: 928-660-7191 (preferred);
  • SERVICES: Shuttles, shower, laundry, food/meals, accommodations
  • REGION: The Arizona Strip (passages 38-43)
  • COMMENTS: Hey hikers! I offer shuttles between Page and the Junction of House Rock Valley Road / US-89. I’m no longer able to go all the way to the Northern Terminus. So if you can make it 11 more miles from the Terminus to the Highway, I’ll come & getcha. We can also discuss potential lodging, showers, meals, and vehicle storage at my place in Big Water. Reach out!
Lori McGraw
  • CONTACT: (preferred); 706-344-9134 (text preferred)
  • SERVICES: Shuttles, Shower, Laundry, Food/meals, Accommodations
  • REGION(S): The Grand Canyon (Passages 37-38); The Arizona Strip (passages 38-43)
  • CLOSEST GATEWAY COMMUNITIES: Grand Canyon North Rim, Jacob Lake, Kanab
  • COMMENTS: I can provide shuttles to and from the trail on the North Rim and along House Rock Valley. I also have a Mother in Law suite with a private bath that can accommodate 2 hikers. I do ask for donations to cover my gas costs.