Arizona Trail Association releases video essay calling on US Senators to “Protect Arizona” by fighting climate change

On September 20, the Arizona Trail Association released a three-minute video essay featuring a diverse collection of outdoor enthusiasts urging Arizona’s US Senators to protect the Arizona National Scenic Trail by fighting climate change. The video includes inspiring imagery from various passages along the Arizona National Scenic Trail as well as footage of wildfires and extreme weather events that threaten the trail, the landscapes it traverses, and the communities who rely on the trail for economic vitality.
“We have so much more heat, and that is affecting every part of our state,” said Sandy Fortner, an Arizona Trail volunteer. “And that’s why the Build Back Better plan is so important. We need to attack climate change.”
The Build Back Better budget proposed by President Biden is supported by nearly two-thirds of Arizona voters. It would fight climate change by moving our country toward renewable energy in electricity and new vehicles. It would also help prevent drought and wildfires, while reducing their impacts on recreational resources like the Arizona National Scenic Trail.
A recent survey of Arizona Trail Association members identified the greatest biggest threats to the Trail as wildfires, drought and climate change.
“The effects of heat, drought and wildfire are exponential over the past decade,” said Michael Chappell, an Iraq War veteran and veterans outreach specialist. “We can cut the pollution that causes climate change. Senator Sinema and Senator Kelly, we are counting on you.”
The video can be seen here.