Economic Value of Trails in Arizona

A new report is now available from Arizona State Parks and Trails and the University of Arizona highlighting the economic value of trails to Arizona residents, based on the benefits to those using them. Economic Value of Trails in Arizona – A Travel Cost Method Study estimates statewide demand for motorized and non-motorized trails and highlights the importance of providing trail-based recreational opportunities for residents and visitors alike. Read the complete report here.
The report will help trail advocates, stakeholders, land managers and trail users communicate the value that we place on the use of motorized and non-motorized trails. Additionally, this information can help guide public policy and investments by providing a framework to assess the benefits and costs of different actions affecting natural resources and amenities valued by the public. With many competing state priorities for support and funding, trails are often overlooked resources that have a direct, positive impact on the physical and mental well-being of Arizonans.
During this pandemic, the benefits of trails and outdoor recreation have never been so clear – more people are getting outside to maintain mental health, keep active, enjoy fresh air, and find safe ways to get out of the house. This emphasizes the importance of working with trail advocates, land managers, private landowners and others to ensure that Arizona provides high quality, sought-after opportunities to recreate on trails throughout the state.
Please review the report online and share it with others.