On May 5 we’re asking everyone to give a High Five to the Arizona Trail. Help us reach our fundraising goal of $5,000 so we can implement some of our dream projects in 2018, including construction of 18 miles of singletrack to get the AZT off dirt roads in northern Arizona; connecting more youth to the Arizona Trail through our Seeds of Stewardship outings; improving water sources along the driest segments along the AZT; and much more. If everyone who uses and loves the Arizona Trail just gave $5 we could support all of the needs that go along with maintaining and protecting 800 miles of trail. Please give us a High Five by donating online!
What your High Fives can do for the AZT…
Your $5 will improve a short (but sweet!) segment of the AZT by allowing us to hire conservation corps members to conduct necessary maintenance in remote areas beyond the reach of most volunteers.
$5 Month
Program costs for two students to participate in Seeds of Stewardship outings. Help youth connect to the natural wonders in their own backyard and inspire them to become the next generation of trail stewards!
$5 Week
Four new trail tools. Help us put the right tools into the hands of volunteers to help maintain and protect the AZT!
$5 Day
Two steel AZT Super Gates. Help us protect the AZT from motorized abuse in perpetuity – these gates will last hundreds of years, perhaps longer.
Custom Amount
Choose to give a custom, one-time donation in the amount of your choosing.
Fill out the donation form below, and give us a High Five on Saturday, May 5!