New Trail Construction

On April 12th, 2018, 38 students from Ms. Esparza’s class at Sinagua Middle School traveled to Kelly Pocket to put in some work on the Kelly Canyon trail network.
This brand new set of trails had been roughed in by machine and required significant hand smoothing and polishing to finish the work. Students leveled tread, improved outslope and naturalized areas of the trail that were wider than needed.
While half the class worked trail the other half studied hydrology, trail design and discussed the ways trails are funded and built. Students had an opportunity to design, make a model of, and pitch their own trail idea to the group. Ideas ranged from downhill mountain bike trails to smooth level ADA accessible trails. By the end of the day all the students had a chance to do all of the activities with a little help from our friends at the US Forest Service and American Conservation Experience.
A great day of learning and service for all!