Pass a carbon tax to fight climate change
The Bulletin (December 6, 2018) by Jon Stewart
Bend, OR–The Fourth National Climate Assessment, a detailed 1,600-page report compiled by 13 federal agencies, has little good to say about the future impacts of climate change for America. Released by the Trump administration on Black Friday in the hopes of being overlooked in the holiday news cycle, it clearly contradicts those who still deny man-made climate change.
But there is a bit of good news for firefighters hidden among the report’s details of collapsing crop yields, fiercer hurricanes and rising sea levels: if we are willing to wait half a century, wildfires will cause far less devastation here in the West.
This is because those forests prone to wildfires will have burned to a crisp by then.
I just completed hiking the 800-mile length of the Arizona Trail where I had a disturbing glimpse of this future.
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