Passage 17 – Alamo Canyon
Hikers reported trail damage at the wash crossing immediately south of Picketpost TH. The creeks there flash flooded during summer storms, deepening the wash a couple feet or more, and creating a dangerous drop-off. And not far away, the Forest Service needed help with a gate on the LOST relocation project in Arnett Canyon.
With the drop in temperatures the crew was ready for some outdoor time, so we scheduled a day to tackle both projects. A few workers went to the gate to start digging, and the rest worked the wash crossing. Roger hauled the digging tools in on the first crawler load, then worked getting the gate and concrete mix in. The 0.7-mile route was rugged, making the hauling go pretty slow.
The crew working the wash finished by lunchtime and joined the gate work. That was more than enough help so some of them walked down Arnett Creek to see the flood damage, reporting that much of the canyon has been seriously rearranged.
The gate location was solid rock, but with patience the hammers made progress, although the generator does not like two hot hammers at once. By the time the gate arrived the holes were deep enough, and the crew cemented the gate home. Then the long haul back began, taking two trips to get the tools back to the vehicles, ending after dark.
Thanks to John M., Roger S, Richard D., John A., Joe L., Mike E., Gordon H., Donovan W., and especially to Passage Steward Wendy L. who even bought lunch!

The other kind of “rock work.”

Steady but very slow progress.

But eventually, it’s in the ground, for a very long time.

Shadows are getting long. Thanks Everyone!