Passage 23 – Mazatzal Divide

Existing Chilson “spring box.” Rocks between spring box and rock wall were covered with thick plastic sheet.
Rocks removed between spring box and rock wall exposing clear water spring.

Spring source prior to installation of collector box.

Close-up view of spring at rock wall prior to clearing debris and cleaning rock base for installing collector box.

Collector box installed on a bed of quick set morta and stabilized with rocks, also set in mortar. Note spring water entering in the middle of the collector box.

Progress photo of piping and trough installation. Note that a rock wall was built to conceal the piping between the collector box (bottom left) and the trough. The existing spring box was filled with rocks and soil and appears as a wet puddle in the photo.
The new collector box is located directly below the large rock left of the tree in the center of the photo. The cavity between the collector box opening and the spring source was filled with small rocks. These rocks and the collector box were then covered on the top and sides with 2 layers of 7 mil. plastic. The plastic was then concealed by more large rocks to match the rocks concealing the piping. A layer of brush was then applied to the entire area between the spring and trough.

The finished project the morning after completion. A flow of 4 gallons/hour was measured on the afternoon the project was complete. 17 hours had passed between the first flow into the trough and the time of this photo. We were excited to see that the water level was less than 2” from the overflow outlet on the downhill side of the trough. It is not visible in this photo, but a stone seat has been installed on the side of the trough opposite the overflow outlet in order for hikers to enjoy the dramatic view while filtering water.