Passage 25 – White Rock Mesa
Brandon N. of Scout Troop 938 in Surprise, AZ completed his Eagle Scout project today. He organized a work event to replace the four deteriorated trail signs at Oak Spring. ATA provided the signs and equipment and Brandon marshaled the forces needed for the work.
The group met at the trailhead on Hard Scrabble Road, carefully sorted tools and gear to ensure everything necessary was available, then hiked the mile down Walnut Trail 251 to the junction with the AZT/Oak Spring Trail.
Brandon split the crew into three teams to remove the old signposts and start digging holes for the new ones. Native posts had been selected on the advance trip so they were hauled to the three locations and prepped for the new signs.
Racing the approaching rain, the crew mounted the signs on the posts, being careful that they were level, and tamped them home. The obligatory pictures were taken and the tools gathered and distributed for the walk up and out.
A big thanks to Brandon and his eleven scouts and leaders for a good stroke of work done!
The crew heads down the trail, weather is looking pretty “iffy.”
Sign at the junction is well underway.
Wrapping this one up.

Hurry hurry, it’s starting to rain!

Junction sign from the south.

The crew at the junction sign.