Passage 26 – Highline
June 1, 2017
Scout Troop 829 from Queen Creek hiked the Highline and included daily activities along the way. They worked on badges and this was a service project. Chris from Payson RD connected them with the ATA and it came together.
After hiking over 9 miles, the scouts had a short rest while the Toyota underwent the third flat tire adventure in 2 weeks. The ATA finally arrived with the trailer and laid out the work for the adult leaders. The task was to fill the deeply eroded trench/social trail north of the parking lot. Following the safety briefing and requisite initial chaos, the crew fell to work and the dirt flew.
One of the adult leaders clearly missed his calling; his day job remains a mystery but he has a future in rock work on trails. In a couple hours the gully is largely filled with rock steps/check dams holding the soil.
It was a joy to work with these scouts and their very able leaders; it was abundantly clear that things are well organized and everyone works together. Thank you!