Rincon Sunrise Long-Sleeve Tech Shirt – Women’s


Sport the AZT logo in style with these colorful long-sleeve performance technical shirts. Using Headsweats’ Insta-Wick technology, this shirt will keep you cool, dry and will protect from the sun and thorny plants that grow alongside the Arizona Trail.

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The latest in the AZT long-sleeve shirt series, designed by Shannon Villegas, features a view from the Rincon Valley in Vail. From this area on the trail, you’ll see a stunning view of Rincon Peak. On the back is a gila monster (common to the Rincon Valley) riding on the shoulder for extra trail magic.

Built to keep pace with a high level of energy on the trail, these cool, breathable tech shirts help protect you from the sun, too.

Featuring 100% Polyester Macro Orb Repreve® recycled materials and INSTA-WICK™ moisture wicking technology.

Available in XS, SM, MD, LG, XL