Repairing the AZT’s Highline Passage

Anyone who has visited the Highline Passage of the Arizona National Scenic Trail over the past few years will remember the ditch that bisected the trail near Geronimo Spring. The chasm has grown deeper and more dangerous with every storm, creating a significant safety hazard for trail users. Thanks to funding from the State of Arizona and a collaborative effort from Bauer Built Trails, American Conservation Experience, Flagline Trails, Tonto National Forest and the Arizona Trail Association – the problem has been fixed!
Using heavy machinery, tons of boulders, downed trees, local soil, ingenuity and determination, the crew removed the old metal culvert that was the source of the problem, backfilled the drainage with rocks, and built fresh tread over the top of it. Despite numerous challenges associated with coronavirus and the strict protocols in place for keeping everyone safe while working outdoors, the small crew worked tirelessly on the project for over one week. The end result is impressive and will be a welcome improvement by all trail users who hike, run or ride along the Highline Passage.
When tackling problems like the Geronimo Blowout, the Arizona Trail Association aspires to find a solution that will last 50 years or more. We are confident this small but important improvement will stand the test of time.