Trail Skills Institute Module 1&2 – March 2018

The skills training offered by the ATA in partnership with American Conservation Experience (ACE) has become hugely popular, and many classes are selling out well in advance. Such was the case with the Module 1&2 training scheduled for Superior on March 17th. Fifteen volunteers gathered near the Picketpost Trailhead to learn about trail context, how to study the effect of water on the trail and basic techniques to maintain the trail corridor and tread.
After a few hours of informal lecture with the infamous whiteboards, the crew headed approximately 2 miles southbound on the trail to evaluate short sections and recommend actions to address drainage and corridor issues. This is a heavily used portion of the AZT so it provided plenty of opportunities to evaluate condition and use creative solutions to address common problems. This included creating drains, widening the corridor with benching, restoring outslope and trimming back brush. After reviewing proposed solutions, each team had a chance to implement some of their plans with the remaining time on the trail. The day concluded with a short hike and drive back to the Picketpost trailhead for a quick debrief and wrap up.
Special thanks to Katherine and Mark from ACE for a great day of learning out on the trail!
Volunteers: 17
Volunteer Hours: 200

The “classroom” portion of the training introduces basic concepts and vocabulary to be used once out on trail

Unloading the tools near the trail – many hands always make lighter work.

Basic tool and situational safety talk

Going over trail evaluation

Proposing solutions

We leave much more learned…