Drains and Games

On October 25th, 2018, 19 students From Montessori Charter School of Flagstaff Middle School gave their all to some trail work on Deer Hill Trail from Little Elden Horse Camp.
This group is always keen, enthusiastic and ready to work! Students first had a lesson in trail design, hydrology and the process for getting a new trail approved. Next they designed and proposed their own theoretical trail ideas and made models for their presentations.
Once our friends from the Flagstaff Ranger District and American Conservation Experience arrived we hiked out onto the trail to smooth tread, remove encroaching vegetation, and improve drainage.
After the ACE folks had taught the students so much, the class taught the ACE members how to play Black Widow and how they so daily acknowledgements complete with secret hand motions and noise patterns.
A great day where much was accomplished and even more was learned.