Arizona State Legislature Approves $ For Arizona Trail Fund

We are excited to share the news that a $250,000 appropriation for the Arizona Trail Fund was included in the State of Arizona’s 2023 budget! Thanks to your support and advocacy, we did it!!! This funding will allow Arizona State Parks to hire conservation corps and state approved trail work professionals to accomplish priority maintenance and construction projects on the Arizona Trail. The Arizona Trail Association will triple the impact of the state’s investment through federal funding, private donations, and labor from our talented volunteers.
In addition to putting young people to work and improving the Arizona Trail statewide, this funding is important because it demonstrates the state’s commitment to the trail. When our elected representatives commit funding to a resource like the AZT, they show it’s a priority. To everyone who called and emailed members of the State Legislature over the past few months, thank you! They heard your message loud and clear.
As you celebrate with us, please take a moment today or tomorrow to reach out to your state representatives one last time and thank them for including a $250,000 appropriation for the Arizona Trail Fund in this year‘s budget. Calling or emailing your representatives and senator is a very important part of the process, and many of them don’t receive thanks for their hard work.
We look forward to sharing updates about which projects will be funded through this appropriation, encouraging you to work alongside the trail crews during volunteer opportunities, and then experiencing the trail improvements on foot, bike or equine.