Camping Ban Near Flagstaff Impacts Passages 31, 32, 33, 34

The Coconino National Forest has expanded the boundaries of the existing year-round camping and campfire ban located adjacent to the City of Flagstaff in an attempt to lower the hazard from human-caused wildfires.
A full map of the expanded camping and campfire ban, which went into effect May 1, 2023, is available on the Coconino National Forest’s website. This information is also on all Arizona Trail navigational resources, including the FarOut app, topo maps, passage maps, website, and other important resources so AZT users know where they can camp outside the restricted areas. For thru-hikers utilizing the Flagstaff Urban Route (Passage 33), the longest distance to cover is 13.5 miles – from Flagstaff to Snowbowl Road. Section hikers have much greater distances to cover to avoid the camping ban area, especially along Passages 32 and 34.
In addition to addressing the immediate concern for future large human-caused wildfires, the expansion is part of a long-term risk reduction strategy focused on forest health and resiliency. The change was made in response to public feedback, with support from the Arizona Trail Association.
If you’re planning multi-day trips on the AZT near Flagstaff, please be aware of where you can and cannot camp.