Ecosystem Interconnectedness with Flagstaff Junior Academy

August 26th marked the first Seeds of Stewardship outing of the 2021-2022 school year! In fact, it was the first outing we’ve gotten to do with a school group since the lockdown started in March 2020. It was wonderful to once again bring the classroom outdoors. SoS instructors met Flagstaff Junior Academy fifth graders in Mrs. Chapman’s classroom for an […]

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ATA Ambassador Program: New Perspectives

On November 1st, 2020, The Arizona Trail Ambassadors gathered under Cienega Creeks Riparian Gallery Forest canopy. This was our third trip together, and the group seemed more confident and comfortable. The landscape was beginning to change as winter approached. In the Sonoran Desert, seasonal changes are observed in daily temperature swings, systematic flower blooms, and odd rains; unlike other places […]

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Celebrating Through Fire and Food

For our last outing, we wanted to celebrate. Over the winter season of After School on the AZT, participants collectively hiked and cross country skied 104 miles; each spent 18 hours learning and adventuring outdoors; visited 6 unique sections of the Arizona Trail; and engaged in numerous outdoor skills and ecology-based lessons. Immeasurable, but perhaps even more important this season, […]

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After School on the AZT Goes Cross Country Skiing

Thirty inches of snow! Sitting at 8,000 feet, Arizona Nordic Village finally got plenty of snow to open for snowsports. Thirty inches from one storm! The accumulation was exciting, as it meant opportunities for snowshoeing and cross country skiing awaited us—alas! After School on the AZT participants had been looking forward to this for weeks. The storm was backed by […]

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After School on the AZT – Hiking into the Winter Season

Twenty-twenty-fun here we go! Tis a new year and a new season for Seeds of Stewardship’s extracurricular program!  Last fall, in response to some of the challenges our community faced throughout the pandemic—a lack of opportunities for youth socialization, increased human impacts on trails, elevated strains on families, more hours spent on screens, the list goes on—we launched After School […]

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Embracing the Cold & Bringing Outdoor Ed into the Classroom

On December 17, 2019, 14 fifth graders from Mrs. Chapman’s class at Flagstaff Junior Academy Middle School braved a particularly chilly morning in pursuit of adventure, discovery, and expression. Our goals were to identify why we felt connections with certain special places, to deepen our sense of place in Flagstaff’s local environment, and to create meaningful collages using natural materials. […]

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Fire Ecology with FJA

Authored by Kim Cleary On September 19, 15 students from Mrs. Chapman’s fifth grade class at Flagstaff Junior Academy ventured into the Coconino National Forest along the Arizona Trail to observe and learn about the fire-dependent ponderosa pine ecosystem they live in. Being their first outing with Seeds of Stewardship, students were introduced to our program as well as the […]

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Kino School discovers Cienega Creek

On December 4th, 2019, 12 students from Kino School explored the incredible Cienega Creek Natural Preserve. This expedition would walk students through a variety of biomes, displaying desert watershed at its finest. The paths winds though time petrified in stone and rock, while observing key pathways and habitats of Southern Arizona’s rarest and most wonderful animals. These students had been […]

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Empire High School encounters the incredible

On October 11th, 2019, 10 students from Empire High School left for a wild adventure into the Santa Catalina Mountains. Hiking Sunset trail, we hoped to beat the heat by hiking Sunset Trail through mixed coniferous forests. We wanted to observe how altitude effects desert mountains, discussing Sky Islands and their greater ecological effect on the Sonoran Desert. To understand […]

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