Welcome to the ultimate resource for fundraising, where you’ll find anything you need for a successful fundraising campaign. Don’t see what you’re looking for? Contact us.
Fundraising Timeline
Use this timeline to help you stay on target to reach your goal.
Social Media Toolkit
- Facebook: @Arizona.Trail.Association
- Instagram: @aztassociation
- Twitter: @AZTrail
AZT in a Day – Un Desafío de 800 Millas (En Español)
AZT in a Day – An 800-mile Challenge (English Version)
Graphics and Logos
We ask that you only use these photos and graphics when raising funds for the Arizona Trail Association in connection with AZT in a Day.
- AZT in a Day logo (PNG)
- Click an image below to download for social media:
Where Your Donation Goes
We’ve developed a one-stop resource that outlines the myriad ways your donation supports the Arizona Trail.
Corporate Support
If you’re interested in contacting businesses or clubs to support the Arizona Trail Association, please reference these documents. If an organization would like to donate $250 or more, please contact our Development Director:
Fundraising Page
To find your personal AZT in a Day 2024 Fundraising Page, login here and click your name in the upper right, and then click “fundraising.”