Become a Business Partner Today
If your company would like to connect with Arizona Trail hikers, runners, backpackers, mountain bikers and equestrians, consider becoming a Business Partner today! A Partnership with us allows us to celebrate your support with thousands of visitors to our website, followers on social media, and subscribers of our newsletter. We offer partnerships at various levels. Let us work together to find a partnership level that suits your business. All Business Partner contributions are 100% tax-deductible, and help protect, maintain, enhance, promote and sustain the Arizona Trail as a unique encounter with the land.
Become a Partner Now View Legacy Partners View Current Business Partners
Business Partner Registration
Join Online
Join By Mail
Prefer to join by mail? Download the Business Partner Application form, fill it out, and mail it to address listed on the form, along with your payment.
Download Business Partner Application Form
Levels Of Partnership
Premier Legacy Partner
Premier Legacy Partners are corporate, nonprofit or government agencies that contribute $10,000 or more in a year, or commit to contributing $2,500 or more annually for five years or longer, to support the Arizona Trail Association. Their generous contributions support the preservation of the Arizona Trail and will leave a legacy for future generations to enjoy. If you are interested in becoming a Legacy Partner of the Arizona Trail Association, please contact us today.
Bristlecone Pine – $209 per month ($2500/year)
- Celebration of your support at our highest-profile annual events
- All the benefits of a Ponderosa Pine Partnership
Ponderosa Pine – $84 per month ($1000/year)
- A detailed write up featuring your business with a logo placed on our Business Partner page
- Multiple mentions on social media throughout the year
- A prominent promotional banner placed on a premium page of our website, (24,000+ avg monthly users)
- All the benefits of a Juniper Partnership
Juniper – $42 per month ($500/year)
- Recognition in our Newsletter (20,000+ subscribers)
- Opportunity to sell ATA wholesale merchandise at an additional discount
- Opportunity to provide a discount to ATA members
- All the benefits of our Saguaro Partnership
Saguaro – $21 per month ($250/year)
- Your company name listed on our Current Business Partner webpage
- Social media blast celebrating your support (22,000+ Facebook followers, and 21,300 Instagram followers)
- Opportunity to uniquely market to Arizona Trail users via our exclusive smartphone App (approx. 9,000+ active users)
- Acknowledgement in our Annual Report, distributed throughout the state to individuals, donors, members, land management agencies, business partners, etc.
- Invitation to local Arizona Trail events
- Arizona Trail Business Partner window decal
Partner Referral
Are you a small business whose budget doesn’t match your enormous appreciation for the Arizona Trail? Check out our referral program. With the minimum of a Saguaro Level Partnership (a $250 donation), we’ll celebrate your business to our trail community again and again with each partnership you refer.