Passage 24 – Red Hills
March 18-20, 2017
This work event was phase 1 of 2 to replace and/or install 6 new wilderness signs and 4 new posts on the Red Hills passage. The trip started earlier in the week by packing 43 lbs. of signs/bolts and a 27 lb. slide hammer (a manual jackhammer) 5.9 miles up the Mazatzal Divide trail from the City Creek TH. A new post with 2 new signs and an AZT marker was installed at the junction of the Mazatzal Divide and Red Hills trails. Another new post and with 1 sign and 2 AZT markers was also installed at the junction of the Red Hills and Brush Trail. The remaining signs and tools were cached for phase 2 of this work event. Mazatzal Regional Steward John Matteson and AZT volunteers Joe Longbotham and Roger Smith participated in this challenging endeavor.
- Old sign post at Divide/Red Hills Junction.
- New sign post at Divide/Red Hills Junction.
- New sign post at Red Hills/ Brush Trail Junction.