Passage 29 – Mormon Lake
September 30, 2017
Peace Surplus and the ATA teamed up to present an event on the Arizona Trail to celebrate National Public Lands Day near Mormon Lake. Twenty-two volunteers came out to give back to the public lands that they love on the Coconino National Forest. Segment steward Conrad Langley lead one team in rehabilitating a portion of the trail located on historic rail bed to discourage OHV use and improve the visual character of the trail. Due to historical restrictions, no digging was permitted, so all improvements were done by adding to the top of the landscape rather than excavating through it. Zach McDonald lead a second team further afield to repair tread and remove hundreds of pine saplings that have sprouted up in the corridor.
- Teamwork on carrying loads of material.
- National Public Lands Day – the whole crew.
- The crew in charge of the corridor recovery project.
- Recovering old railbed is messy work.
- Got duff?

Before and after.