Arizona Trail Topo Map Set


Would you like to have a printed set of the detailed topo maps? Working with our local printer, these maps are professionally printed double-sided on 8.5 x 11 quality paper in full-color and high-resolution – much better than most people could do on their home printers. For more on these, see our Topo Maps page.


In stock



Would you like to have a printed set of the detailed topo maps? Working with our local printer, these maps are professionally printed double-sided on 8.5 x 11 quality paper in full-color and high-resolution – much better than most people could do on their home printers.

Some of the exciting features of these maps include:

  • 3D hill shading
  • Detailed elevation chart on each map
  • Accumulated trail mileage every mile (great for thru-hikers)
  • An easy-to-follow Arizona Trail trace overlaid on each map including designated connector trails to the Arizona Trail
  • Maps include GPS grid marks for compatibility with your handheld GPS unit
  • Almost 800 data points including water sources (actual locations and departure points from the trail), gateway communities and more

This set also comes with instructions for understanding the topo map book and a legend.

For more on this printed version or the Avenza Map app version, see our Topo Maps page.

Maps weigh 16.1 oz. Updated Feb 2025.


Additional information

Weight 16.1 oz
Dimensions 8.5 × 11 × 1 in