Passage 18 – Reavis Canyon

November 7, 2017 One of the Arizona Trail Association’s standing goals is to remove the trail from two-track roads where possible. HAZ maps (well, really any version of the topo maps, but I get mine on HAZ) revealed a low-hanging-fruit option — the old Reavis Trail south from Rogers Trough TH. This half-mile route appears on older topo maps and […]

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Passage 18 – Reavis Canyon

September 6, 2017 The USFS Globe Ranger District has long been a strong supporter of the AZT and the ATA. Through the cooperative effort between the District and the ATA, all AZT gates on the district are now the iconic super gates, the last one being, understandably, the most remote. Volunteers replaced the gate on Montana Mountain, located just south […]

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Passage 18 – Reavis Canyon

April 22, 2017 For April 22, 2017 I had 3 hearty volunteers. Two were my regulars and I had one new to the crew. We hiked 2.5 miles in Reavis Canyon heading north. Once we reached the location that I pre-marked we got to work. Current condition was hikers, bikers, and equestrians were having to walk up in a drain […]

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