About Us
The Arizona Trail Association (ATA) is the nonprofit organization whose mission is to protect, maintain, enhance, promote and sustain the Arizona Trail as a unique encounter with the natural environment. By participating as a member, donor and volunteer, you support our mission and help ensure the Arizona Trail will be here for future generations to enjoy.
Since 1994, the ATA has trained and coordinated tens of thousands of volunteers to help build and maintain the Arizona Trail. The ATA’s primary focus is on protecting and maintaining the trail, and we have a number of outreach programs to engage community members in the Arizona Trail experience. This includes the ATA’s Gateway Community Program, VETS and Seeds of Stewardship Program.
The ATA’s programs and activities are funded by individual members and donors, Business Partners and Legacy Partners. Federal grants, special fundraising events and retail sales also help support the organization.
News about the ATA and the Arizona Trail is distributed through a biweekly eNews, Facebook, Instagram, Twitter and this website. We collect and archive media coverage of the Arizona Trail through our In the News page.
Volunteers remain the core of our organization and you are invited for a trail work event, public outreach opportunity, special event, and many other exciting opportunities throughout the year. To learn more, please visit the Volunteer page.
Please contact the ATA at ata@aztrail.org or through our Contact page with questions. We hope to see you on the trail.
Board of Directors
Find out more about the Arizona Trail Association’s Board of Directors.
The ATA employs a small staff, most of whom work part-time or volunteer their talents to support various programs and operations that sustain the organization. View Staff
ATA Board Documents
Additional Board Documents are only available to ATA members in their Members-Only Resources upon login. Not a member? Join or renew today.
Annual Reports & Strategic Plan
View and download the ATA’s annual reports and strategic plan.
Comprehensive Public Engagement
Our commitment to address long standing social issues related to trails and outdoor recreation.
In Memoriam
A list of Arizona Trail members who have passed away.