Your footsteps may have faded, but generations to come will never forget the path you chose.

If you wish to have donations directed to the ATA in memoriam, please indicate in the obituary to send donations to the Arizona Trail Association. Immediate family may provide a photograph and text to be added to this page. The designated family member will be provided with a list of donors’ names (monetary amounts are not indicated).

Donate in Memory of a Loved One


This page is in memory of:


As well as:

Ronald Meech Merle Parmer Richard Corbett
Fritz Laos Jerry Eckert Jeffrey Pappas
Jim Martin Lynn Larremore Ingrid Savage
Dick Collins Richard Kane John Norris
Michael Putt Keith Heilman Daniel Whelan
Earle Wallingford Joseph Bradel Herb Hofmann
Stephen Wood John “Hooli” Richardson Helen Hill
Stephen Wolf Eugene Rutherford Terry Himmerick
Paul Edwards Gertrude Van Etten (Reynolds) Robert L. Creager
Kim Walker Carl Golnik Dean Prichard
Keith Winkle John Neeling Art Gould
Dale Chance Lon Willoughby John Sparkman
Wil Passow Jody Sixkiller Whitlock