Passage 25 – White Rock Mesa

Brandon N. of Scout Troop 938 in Surprise, AZ completed his Eagle Scout project today.  He organized a work event to replace the four deteriorated trail signs at Oak Spring.  ATA provided the signs and equipment and Brandon marshaled the forces needed for the work. The group met at the trailhead on Hard Scrabble Road, carefully sorted tools and gear […]

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Passage 26 – Highline Trail

Colonel Devin Rehab Project-The Last Hurrah! Several years ago Arizona Trail Association embarked on an ambitious project to realign the trail off a utility road to a scenic walk through the woods. A great deal of preparation and back office work came to fruition in 2017 with a nice grant through Arizona State Parks and enthusiastic support from volunteers. The project […]

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Spring Steward Conference 2018

Our Spring Steward Conference was a great success. Eighteen stewards from all over Arizona gathered at Colossal Cave Mountain Park in Vail to celebrate stewardship and learn from local experts. The training included a half-day first aid session taught by Todd Nardi; Aaron Seifert presenting on the GIS maps available to Stewards; and an overview of the Temporal Gulch Reroute […]

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Passage 13 – Oracle

It’s fun to build new trail, especially when recent rains have softened the desert floor! Nineteen SaddleBrooke hikers braved 30-40 degree temperatures to develop a more user friendly re-route of the Oracle Passage of the Arizona National Scenic Trail. Teams dug out shrubs and smoothed the trail tread for a better hiking, biking and equestrian experience. SaddleBrooke hikers cheered a […]

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Human Interaction With the Natural World Part 2

On February 15th, 2018 thirty-six students from Mr. Hershey’s 6th grade class at Sinagua Middle School visited the Wildcat Hill Wastewater Treatment Plant and nearby Picture Canyon. Our goal was to compare and contrast how modern and ancient humans interacted with their environments and how that relates to the adaptation of animals in the natural world.   We started our […]

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Top 10: Best Hiking Trails

Aztec Press Online Tucson is home to some amazing hiking trails. Head out in almost any direction, and you can find a meandering path through the desert or a strenuous journey that is more rock climbing than hiking. Because there are so many choices in Tucson, it might be hard to choose which trail to head down. Here is a […]

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Human Interaction With the Natural World Part 1

On January 25th, 2018 twenty-six students from Ms. Esparza’s 6th grade class at Sinagua Middle School visited the Wildcat Hill Wastewater Treatment Plant and nearby Picture Canyon. Our goal was to compare and contrast how modern and ancient humans interacted with their environments and how that relates to the adaptation of animals in the natural world.   We started our […]

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Alliance Spotlight: Arizona Trail Association

American Hiker Magazine The Arizona Trail Association is a nonprofit organization that builds, maintains, promotes, protects and sustains the Arizona National Scenic Trail as a unique encounter with the land. Having recently celebrated their 20th anniversary, the ATA has a proud history of working with land managers, trail crews, outdoor clubs and volunteers to build the Arizona Trail. [To read […]

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A U.S. Representative Hits the (Hiking) Trail

Backpacker Magazine M. John Fayhee March, 2018 It did not take long for word to spread in the small, isolated town in New Mexico that I call home. Whether quaffing a Belgian ale in a brewpub, or sipping a fair-trade latte in the java emporium, or inspecting organic cabbages in the food co-op, members of my dirt-worshipping social circle would […]

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Passage 13 – Oracle

January 17, 2018 Nineteen intrepid SaddleBrooke hikers braved a chilly morning to improve trails in Oracle State Park. A special effort was made to clear the trails of sticker bushes and obstacles for runners participating in the upcoming Oracle Rumble for the benefit the Arizona National Scenic Trail. Lots of excellent work was accomplished in 3 hours, with one group […]

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Explore Arizona’s Public Lands

Arizona Highways There are many ways to hike what’s commonly known as the Arizona Trail, which runs for about 800 miles from the Utah state line to the U.S.-Mexico border. Some hikers tackle each of the trail’s 43 segments individually, often taking several years to cover the entire distance. [To read the rest of this article, click here.]

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National Trails Training Partnership

American Trails Advanced trail training classes like Sustainable Trail Construction with Mechanized Equipment are for individuals looking for specific technical skills. Additional training topics will be added as the TRAILS program develops, and training programs can be created to meet the specific needs of land management agencies and trail organizations. To read the rest of this article, click here.]

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Citizen Hiker

Phoenix Magazine Tucson hiker Sirena Dufault is passionate about promoting the outdoors as a place for everyone and making it accessible to people of varied skill levels. As founder of Trails Inspire, a consulting business that fosters the connection between trails with communities, Dufault puts her knowledge and experience to work promoting trail use and tourism through her writing, photography […]

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Use Caution

The AZT along the AZ/Mexico border continues to be impacted by people crossing illegally into the United States. Many new side trails are being created by dispersed foot traffic and AZT users should avoid mistakenly taking these trails intersecting the Arizona Trail (sometimes the AZT is less distinct than these foot paths). Trail users may meet immigrants along this passage, […]

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