Weigh in on the future of the Arizona Trail

Payson Roundup Alexis Bechman It is the largest trails project in Arizona history, running the length of the state from Mexico to Utah, and planners are now working to preserve and protect the Arizona Trail and make it a destination in Rim Country. The 800-mile trail passes just west of Payson, hugging the rugged Mazatzal Mountains to the south, past […]

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Arizona Trail to get new management plan

The Daily Sun Emory Cowan The 800-mile-long Arizona Trail that spans the length of the state is getting a new level of management. It will come in the form of a comprehensive plan aimed at better protecting and preserving the trail’s resources, whether they are located on federal, state, county, municipal or private land. Federal agencies released an initial draft […]

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Arizona Trail Association

The Daily Sun Natural Restorations, a nonprofit organization sponsored by the Arizona Trail Association, works to remove trash, graffiti and anything foreign to the environment from outdoor recreation and wilderness areas across the state. The organization provides hands-on service learning opportunities for youth and adult volunteers and also provides contract work to military veterans on a five-member Dedicated Restoration Team. […]

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Horse Riding on the Arizona Trail

TrailMeister.com Ride along with TrailMeister as we venture out from the Picketpost Trailhead onto the Arizona Trail with members of the East Valley Back Country Horsemen, Arizona Horse Council, and the Superstition Horsemen’s Association. [To read the rest of this article, click here.]

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Passage 28 – Happy Jack

June 24, 2017 The third installment of the 2017 Trail Skills Institute training took place near Happy Jack. The one day trail assessment and maintenance training took place on a section of single track trail that varies between beautiful side hill design, old forest roads and some short but eroded fall line sections. The variance between trail conditions provided an […]

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Steward Conference – Mormon Lake

July 22-23, 2017 Twenty three AZT Segment Stewards attended the training and celebration at the Arizona Nordic Village outside of Flagstaff. Thanks to the Babbitt Ranches for hosting the event! Jim McFadden discussed strategies for promoting the Arizona Trail including recruiting business partners with his events in Flagstaff. We also covered the ATA Sign and Gate Inventory and how stewards […]

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Monumental Decision, Part 2: Arizona and New Mexico

Outdoor Industry Association Shauna Farnell If you’ve ever visited Arizona’s Sonoran Desert or Ironwood Forest, you know they’re magical landscapes. They are part of the area marking the globe’s only home for the saguaro cactus. Each unique in its stoic pose, saguaros arms can take 100 years or more to grow. The Native American Tohono O’odham tribe believes every saguaro […]

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Passage 27 – Blue Ridge

June 10-11, 2017 This work event involved a part of the trail that descends a hill above Blue Ridge Campground that had a lot of erosion due to rain runoff over the years. The group was able to stay in a loop of the Moqui Group Campground. Twenty volunteers worked on Saturday building drains to channel water off the side […]

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Passage 27 – Blue Ridge

June 10-11, 2017 This work event involved a part of the trail that descends a hill above Blue Ridge Campground that had a lot of erosion due to rain runoff over the years. The group was able to stay in a loop of the Moqui Group Campground. Twenty volunteers worked on Saturday building drains to channel water off the side […]

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Hiking the Border: Coronado National Memorial

Huffington Post James Orndorf Tucked far away from the noise of the world, adjacent to very little and convenient to almost nothing (an enviable amount of nothing and very little), the Coronado National Memorial sits along the border with Mexico in southeastern Arizona, just over 200 miles from Phoenix. The site was designated the Coronado International Memorial on August 18, […]

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Passage 28 – Happy Jack

June 7, 2017 If you’d been traveling the AZT’s Ponderosa country on Passage 28 on June 7th, you might have been lucky enough to come upon a marvelous exhibition of girl power. Fifteen members of the Linda Vista Young Women’s group spent part of their day creating drains and repairing tread on the Happy Jack passage near Moqui Campground. It […]

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Passage 40 – Kaibab Plateau South

June 1-5, 2017 Thanks to an extraordinary effort on the part of AZT volunteers, the Forest Service, and AZT stewards, the entire Arizona Trail north of the Grand Canyon from the National Park boundary to Route 89A has been cleared of deadfall! Thanks for all the hard work and long miles driven to Lee Allen, Roger Smith, David Rabb, Dan […]

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Passage 26 – Highline

June 1, 2017 Scout Troop 829 from Queen Creek hiked the Highline and included daily activities along the way. They worked on badges and this was a service project. Chris from Payson RD connected them with the ATA and it came together. After hiking over 9 miles, the scouts had a short rest while the Toyota underwent the third flat […]

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Passage 26 – Highline

May 24, 2017 Work on the new Colonel Devin trail continued with removal of the large logs. These were too big or numerous to be handled on the trail construction project a few weeks ago, so some diehards returned with saws and pry bars to remove them. The FS fellows showed up for a little chain saw work on a […]

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Passage 26 – Highline

May 6-8, 2017 A key milestone for ATA through-hikers is the climb up the Mogollon Rim, 18 miles east of the Pine TH. After contouring below the towering cliffs of the rim the trail makes a sharp turn to the north, and quickly ascends the rim. Unfortunately, it follows a utility corridor for most of the climb. The ATA recently […]

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Passage 23 – Mazatzal Divide

May 4-7, 2017 This 4-day work event installed 7 new wilderness signs on segment 23c from the Barnhardt Trail junction with the Divide Trail and The Park, 7.7 miles north. The 3-man crew met at the Barnhardt TH on the evening of May 4th to hand-off 63 lbs of signs, a 15 lb. digging bar and a 5 lb. crosscut […]

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The Arizona Trail Illuminated

LakePowellLife.com Mike Reilley The Page Library recently hosted a talk about the Arizona National Scenic Trail. The speaker was Sirena Dufault, a writer, public speaker and a woman who often speaks about the trail throughout Arizona. Her appearance was part of the Glen Canyon Lecture Series. A native of the Midwest, Dufault captivated her audience with stories about specific historic […]

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Hiker rescued on the Arizona Trail

Payson Roundup A woman had to be carried off the Arizona Trail last week after she fell and broke her leg at a low-water crossing. The 70-year-old woman was hiking the Arizona Trail Thursday, April 27, approximately four miles north of the Rim Road (Forest Service Road 300), 13 miles east of State Route 87, when she slipped on wet […]

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Passage 11 – Santa Catalina Mountains

April 28-29, 2017 We had our annual maintenance event on Passage 11b (Wilderness of Rocks) on 4/28 and 4/29. We had scouted out 37 deadfalls across the trail beyond what we had cleared out on April 8th. Of those, 15 were on the western end of the passage between Romero Pass and the Wilderness of Rocks trail junction. This is […]

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Passage 18 – Reavis Canyon

April 22, 2017 For April 22, 2017 I had 3 hearty volunteers. Two were my regulars and I had one new to the crew. We hiked 2.5 miles in Reavis Canyon heading north. Once we reached the location that I pre-marked we got to work. Current condition was hikers, bikers, and equestrians were having to walk up in a drain […]

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Passage 16 – Gila River Canyons

April 18, 2017 The gate crusade continued today as number 44 was installed at mile 6.25 of the passage on a bench overlooking the Gila River. BLM had delivered the gate and redi-mix a couple weeks previous; today – aided by the mini-excavator and operator Rob B. – the crew installed the heavy steel gate. During the few hours on […]

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Passage 24 – Red Hills

April 13-14, 2017 This 2-day backpacking work event was phase 2 of 2 to install 6 new wilderness signs and 4 new posts on the Red Hills passage. The 2-man crew hiked 8.5 miles from the City Creek trailhead to the previously cached signs, hardware and tools. This gear was then moved 2.5 miles north to Brush Spring. After installing […]

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