Online Training for Volunteers and Trail Lovers!

Have you ever wanted to learn more about what happens at ATA volunteer events? Whether you’re just curious and want to know more before you come or you’re a regular volunteer who wants to know more about why we’re digging in that particular spot, the videos created for our Video Trail Skills Institute are just what you need!
If you watch all the videos and complete a simple quiz after each one, you can earn our Video Trail Skills Institute Certificate, a discount on our in-person trail skills classes and a special award prize. You can register for the certificate program here.
Eight short videos cover basic trail maintenance theory and techniques including brushing and basic drainage, how prepare for your trail work day, safety information and even why we’re out there maintaining trails in the first place. Videos were produced by Darwin on the Trail’s Outdoor Evolution Media company and hosted by ATA staff, volunteers and instructors from local conservation corps. They’re fun, engaging and full of great tools to get you out and doing great things on the trail
Just don’t forget that any time you spend training – even online – counts toward time volunteered on the AZT!