
  • South Kaibab Trailhead to North Kaibab Trailhead


  • 21.4 miles

Southern Trailhead: South Kaibab Trailhead


There is no overnight parking or camping at the trailhead. You must take a shuttle from Grand Canyon Village, near the intersection of US 180 and AZ 64. Information is available within the Park Guide you’ll receive at the entrance kiosk, and also at the Visitor Center.

Northern Trailhead: North Kaibab Trailhead


The parking area is on the east side of AZ 67, 41 miles south of Jacob Lake and 2.3 miles north of Grand Canyon Lodge. The trailhead is at the south end of the parking lot.

Trail Route Description

Passage 38 crosses the Grand Canyon from the south rim to the north rim. This physically strenuous and awe-inspiring section follows the well-maintained South Kaibab Trail that descends sharply from the south rim to the Colorado River, then ascends steeply to the north rim on the North Kaibab Trail. Your hard work will be rewarded by the sheer beauty of the Grand Canyon and what is possibly the most scenic section of the Arizona National Scenic Trail!

This section completes the epic “rim-to-rim” route and is both spectacular and challenging. In fact, many people see the route through this section as a bucket list experience on its own.

Prepare yourself for extreme changes in elevation and climate, a variety of ecosystems, and a journey through two billion years of geological history that is unlike anywhere else in the world!

The journey begins on the South Kaibab Trail, a high-quality trail with scenic vistas, little shade, and no water. The trail makes a stunning descent of over 4,000 feet within the first six miles, following a series of switchbacks down the canyon wall to meet the mighty Colorado River. 

After passing by Phantom Ranch at the bottom of the canyon, the trail becomes the North Kaibab Trail, where it continues gently toward Cottonwood Campground. After this landmark, North Kaibab truly begins its arduous climb out of one of the world’s deepest canyons. It ends at the North Kaibab Trailhead at an elevation of 8,000 feet, where temperatures remain cold and snow may persist into late spring. 

There are no words or photographs that can convey the magnitude of the Grand Canyon’s unique landscape. The only way to appreciate the canyon’s grandeur is to hike into its depths, a place that gets fewer than one percent of the park’s total annual visitors. A short side trail leads to Ribbon Falls, one of the most photographed features within the canyon’s inner gorge. Don’t miss it! To learn more about the cultural significance of Ribbon Falls to Zuni people, watch this short video (courtesy of Grand Canyon Association and Grand Canyon Trust).

Grand Canyon National Park requires a camping permit, and camping is only allowed in developed campgrounds (along the AZT, that’s Bright Angel and Cottonwood). Although Grand Canyon backcountry permits can be very challenging to obtain, you can apply through recreation.gov. The Park has set aside two small sites for AZT thru-hikers (each site is 1-6 people, so for the two sites a total of 12 hikers per night are available) at Bright Angel Campground from April 4 – May 31. Hikers are also welcome to try to get a last-minute walk-up permit from the Backcountry Office on the South Rim or North Rim. For those last-minute permits, you may still have to wait a day or two to get through. Attempting to camp in Grand Canyon without a permit is not recommended and will guarantee you a big ticket…this is, after all, one of the most heavily patrolled parks in the National Park system. And while hiking through the entire canyon in a day is possible, a magical part of the AZT experience is camping within the canyon — one of the seven natural wonders of the world. So do your best to score a permit and camp in Bright Angel and/or Cottonwood.

For the ultimate guide to the Arizona Trail to the Grand Canyon, please check out this comprehensive website developed by trail steward extraordinaire and Grand Canyon expert Forrest Radarian.


  • Difficult


All year. Snow may be present after winter storms


Water can be found at the Colorado River, Bright Angel Campground, Phantom Ranch, Bright Angel Creek, Cottonwood Camp and Roaring Springs.  Check the online Arizona Trail Water Report for current information at https://aztrail.org/explore/water-sources/.


  • All water found in creeks and springs should be purified prior to use.
  • Mountain bikes are prohibited from being ridden in the canyon. You may carry your bike on your back but the wheels must never touch the ground. You can also send your bike to the other side of the canyon on the TransCanyon Shuttle while you hike across.
  • Horses are not recommended in the canyon. Please contact the Backcountry Office for more information.
  • A reservation and permit are required to spend a night below the rim. Day hiking does not require a permit. For more details on this, go to the Permits page.
  • North Rim facilities are closed from mid-October to mid-May.


For more information

Current Passage Info

Grand Canyon Camping Permits Update

Grand Canyon National Park has officially confirmed that walk-up backcountry permits will be available for spring thru-hikers in 2025 with the following date ranges: April 1 - May 14: Sites will only be available at Cottonwood Campground May 15 - June 11: Sites will also be made available at Bright Angel Campground If you are arriving before or after these dates, still stop at the Backcountry Information Center (BIC) to inquire, but expect less availability. These campsites are for thru-hikers only, not section-hikers. Major thanks goes out to the NPS for working to provide this opportunity for Arizona Trail users given the current constraints of the Transcanyon Waterline construction and the current reduction in staff. AZTers, make sure to thank BIC rangers when you arrive! And be prepared to be flexible with your itinerary as these spots are limited.
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Phantom Ranch Closed from Jan 2 – March 30, 2025

All Phantom Ranch operations are closed from January 2 to March 30, 2025, for the installation of new water and electric lines for the Transcanyon Waterline Project. Hikers can still access the North Kaibab Trail, however, the bypass route around Phantom Ranch may change. Please follow all closure signs and be aware that water will only be available at Boat Beach (near the Black Bridge) during this closure period.
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Grand Canyon’s Bright Angel Campground Closed from November 4, 2024 – May 15, 2025

Grand Canyon’s Bright Angel Campground Closed from November 4, 2024 – May 15, 2025

Grand Canyon National Park announced in July that Bright Angel Campground will be closed from November 4, 2024 - May 15, 2025 to support replacement of the TransCanyon Pipeline. This will impact Arizona Trail thru-hikers during the Spring 2025 season. Since dispersed camping is not permitted in this area and inner canyon corridor trails are patrolled daily, thru-hikers should attempt to obtain an overnight camping permit for Cottonwood Campground (halfway between Bright Angel Campground and the North Rim) or hike from rim-to-rim in a single day. Please contact the Backcountry Information Center at Grand Canyon National Park for more details: (928) 638-7875.
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Tip Off Toilet Closed Feb 23-March 27

Inside Grand Canyon National Park, the composting toilet facility at the Tip Off on the South Kaibab Trail will be closed February 23-March 27 for maintenance. There will be no restroom facilities available for public use during this time. Hikers should plan ahead before entering the canyon and use either the restroom facilities at Cedar Ridge or at Phantom Ranch. For updates on trail status, please visit Grand Canyon’s Critical Backcountry Updates webpage here:  https://go.nps.gov/trailstatus.
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Water Treatment Advisory Within Grand Canyon National Park

Due to loss of chlorination at Roaring Springs, visitors traveling within the Inner Canyon north of the Colorado River need to treat all potable water sources with a water filtration system. This includes: Bright Angel Campground Phantom Ranch Cottonwood Campground Manzanita Rest Area Roaring Springs Supai Tunnel North Kaibab Trailhead In addition, waterline issues between Roaring Springs and the North Rim have caused a water scarcity issue and the following services are impacted: NO laundry or shower facilities on the North Rim Disposable utensils and plates within North Rim Lodge and other facilities
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Essay: Hot, Thirsty, Anxious … And Blessed

East Greenwich News (January 31, 2021) by Jonathan Malone It was hot, it was dry, and I was afraid that I was running out of water. I had been hiking through the high plateau desert in Arizona for three days and I had seen only a handful of people, lots of cows, and a few horses. I had heard elk and coyotes, but had not yet seen any of them. I was deep in the wilderness, there were few people, and my water supply was worrisome. I chose to be in this place. In September I backpacked for approximately 100 miles of the wilderness of Arizona. Hiking and backpacking are things  I love to do, and I have gone on many solo and group trips in the Adirondack Mountains in New York and the White Mountains in New Hampshire as well as other areas of the Northeast. I love taking time to be in the forest, by the streams and lakes, and surrounded by the mountains. This year I opted for something completely new to me; I decided to hike one small portion of the 800-mile Arizona Trail. I started just north of Flagstaff and headed to the North Rim of the...
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