Arizona Trail Passages

The Arizona Trail is divided into 43 passages. The list below contains all of the passages in order from south to north. Passage Map refers to the downloadable map available for this passage. The Passage Profile refers to the downloadable trail elevation profile available for this passage. The Track and Waypoints refer to downloadable GPS data. Clicking on a passage name will bring up more detailed information about that specific passage.

If you wish to print your own topographic maps you can do one of the following:

  • Use the Track files in the table below and your own mapping software to print out maps.
  • Become an ATA member and gain access to a digital copy of our ATA Topo Maps. This PDF can be printed in whole or in part. Active members can view the Topo Maps or download them from their Personal Engagement Portal Link. Active members can request a new link on our “Login” page.

Arizona Trail GPS data:

The Arizona Trail is a work in progress. The trail is complete and well-signed, however, sections may change or be rerouted (due to wildfire, environmental, or administrative decisions). The track and waypoints data offered here attempt to provide the best available information. Check back for the latest versions using the databook change log.

Please use common sense when using the Arizona Trail. Do not rely on any ONE piece of trail information. Carry a map, compass/GPS or smartphone using the Arizona Trail App (and know how to use them). Contact the local agency for current weather and trail conditions. Make sure you, your livestock, bicycle, or other equipment is in good shape. We want you to have a safe and fun experience exploring the Arizona Trail.

The Passage GPS data below are digitized datasets representing the Arizona National Scenic Trail. They have been exported from GIS (Geographic Information Systems) software and reduced in detail to enable each passage to be loaded onto any GPS, no matter the memory size. These are very good for navigational purposes. Waypoint GPS files relate to the Databook; Waypoint MP files are the mileposts running south to north.

For all GPX files

  • Right-click and choose “save as” or “download linked file”
  • If the file downloads as a .txt file, remove the “.txt” from the file name to use it as a GPX file

Arizona Trail GIS data within several applications with full detail:

  1. Arizona Trail App from Guthook.
  2. This website’s interactive map can be viewed via a desktop or laptop and through the free ArcGIS app on Android & iOS devices.
  3. ATA Topo Maps for purchase as a printed product or downloadable in PDF format and even for import into the Avenza Map App where you can view your location on the map using your mobile device’s GPS. (Products are FREE for ATA Members)
  4. ESRI formatted GIS (Geographic Information Systems) online feature services (always have the up-to-date version) are shared via Arizona’s GIS Clearinghouse within the Arizona Trail Association’s Group, now called the AZGeo Data Hub. These feature services and datasets are meant for more detailed mapping and analysis with all 43 passages combined into one point or polyline file, so they won’t fit onto a GPS. You can get a free login for non-commercial use and join the Arizona Trail Association group.

Trail Stewards

Contact information for passage-specific Trail Stewards can be found on our Stewards page. They’re a great resource for detailed info on each passage.

Quick Nav: Jump to Central Passages | Jump to Northern Passages

Southern Passages

The passages considered “Southern” run from the Mexico border (Passage 1) to Oracle (Passage 13), just north of Tucson.

Passage 1: Huachuca Mountains

Passage 2: Canelo Hills East

Passage 3: Canelo Hills West

Passage 4: Casa Blanca Canyon

Passage 5: Santa Rita Mountains

Passage 6: Las Colinas

Passage 7: Las Cienegas

Passage 8: Rincon Valley

Passage 9: Rincon Mountains

Passage 10: Redington Pass

Passage 11: Santa Catalina Mountains

Passage 11e: Pusch Ridge Wilderness Bypass

Passage 12: Red Ridge

Passage 13: Oracle

Central Passages

The passages considered “Central” run from Black Hills (Passage 14) to Highline (Passage 26), near the Mogollon Rim.

Passage 14: Black Hills

Passage 15: Tortilla Mountains

Passage 16: Gila River Canyons

Passage 17: Alamo Canyon

Passage 18: Reavis Canyon

Passage 19: Superstition Wilderness

Passage 20: Four Peaks

Passage 21: Pine Mountain

Passage 22: Saddle Mountain

Passage 23: Mazatzal Divide

Passage 24: Red Hills

Passage 25: Whiterock Mesa

Passage 26: Highline

Northern Passages

The passages considered “Northern” run from Blue Ridge (Passage 27) to Buckskin Mountain (Passage 43), on the Utah border.

Passage 27: Blue Ridge

Passage 28: Happy Jack

Passage 29: Mormon Lake

Passage 30: Anderson Mesa

Passage 31: Walnut Canyon

Passage 32: Elden Mountain

Passage 33: Flagstaff Urban Route

Passage 34: San Francisco Peaks

Passage 35: Babbitt Ranch

Passage 36: Coconino Rim

Passage 37: Grand Canyon – South Rim

Passage 38: Grand Canyon – Inner Gorge

Passage 39: Grand Canyon – North Rim

Passage 40: Kaibab Plateau South

Passage 41: Kaibab Plateau Central

Passage 42: Kaibab Plateau North

Passage 43: Buckskin Mountain

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